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Summer Fool, Winter Fool

February 4, 2001 “If the Jewish media lords cheat you about Palestine, why do you think they are honest in any other way?”—Israel Shamir, “Joseph Revisited,” March 3, 2001 While walking by the Tel Aviv seashore promenade, I was approached by a slick blond guy who invited me to visit lady luck. A mixed crowd…

The Wiesenthal Files: What the Documents Reveal about Simon Wiesenthal’s Past, Part 2

Chapter 2: New Light on a Dark Past The Institute for Historical Review has recently obtained from the U.S. National Archives a copy of a document dating from 1945 that provides new evidence that famed “Nazi hunter” Simon Wiesenthal collaborated with the Soviet Union during the Second World War.[1] The author of the document, a…

Rape of Dulcinia

January 27, 2001 The touching words of Elie Wiesel (Jerusalem in My Heart, NYT 1/25/2001) painted a beautiful portrait of the Jewish people, yearning for Jerusalem, loving and praying for it over the centuries and cherishing its name from generation to generation. This potent image reminded me, an Israeli writer from Jaffa, of something familiar…

A Hidden Holocaust – Revealed: Crimes and Mercies, by James Bacque

James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950, Little, Brown. Canadian historian James Bacque's new book, “Crimes and Mercies,” is a sequel to his 1989 work “Other Losses”. While the latter focused on the fate of millions of German POWs at the end of the Second World War, more…

Aktion Reinhardt, Globocnik Report, Himmler Reply

Letter from Samuel Crowell to David Irving: April 11, 1999 Dear Mr. Irving: Bearing in mind your ongoing interest in matters pertaining to the Holocaust I attach a lengthy report on Aktion Reinhardt written and compiled by Odilo Globocnik for RFSS Heinrich Himmler at the end of 1943. The report, as 4024-PS, is part of…

Jewish Population in the East

I am enclosing for your information a brief situation report pertaining to the situation of the Jewish populations in the [German] occupied East during [WWII], and which comprises part of the Nuremberg record. Dozens of these reports were prepared. The present brief report, dated from the beginning of July, 1942, contains two points of interest:…

Holocaust Orthodoxy: The Road Paved with Moral Certainty

Probably the greatest letdown yet for the traditional Holocaust school of thought came during the second week of the Irving vs. Lipstadt libel trial, currently underway in London. While many prominent defenders of the usual story had predicted that Irving would be forced to concede that he was wrong, and that Holocaust Revisionism would be…

The Great Holocaust Trial

The Great Holocaust Trial. Expanded, Third Commemorative Edition, by Michael A. Hoffman II. New York: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1995. Softcover. 144 pages. Notes. Bibliography. $12.95. ISBN 0-929903-05-6. This volume can be purchased from: “Remarks”, PO Box 234, Aurora, NY 13026-0234, USA for $20.00. The Great Holocaust Trial is the sort of book that should be…

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism

The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism: Keystone of the New World Order, by Ben Weintraub and Robert L. Brock, 1995. Softcover. 198 pages. Notes. This volume can be purchased from: “Cosmo Publishing”, PO Box 15248, Washington, D.C. 20003, USA for $15.00. Ben Weintraub and editor Robert Brock pose an interesting hypothesis: that the Holocaust has no…

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