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Critique of the A.R. Butz article “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematorium II”

In the September-October 1997 issue of The Journal of Historical Review appeared an article by Arthur Butz entitled: “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory II” (pp. 24-30) which deserves to be examined. Concerning “gasprüfer” at Auschwitz, Dr. Arthur Butz has devised an indisputably original hypothesis which he summarizes as follows : It is certain the Topf…

Denying the Holocaust

Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, by Deborah E. Lipstadt, A Plume Book, New York 1994. 1. Cum studio et ira In the whole panorama of antirevisionist propaganda, it would be hard to find a book more vile than Denying the Holocaust by Deborah Lipstadt.[1] The falsehood of revisionism having Nazi…

Deportations to the East

The following letter written by Franz Rademacher in February of 1942 is important for its clarity regarding the Nazi “final solution” of the Jewish question. Allied propaganda has enforced a sinister definition of the term “final solution” for over fifty years. In this document a number of points are made perfectly clear: The “final solution”…

Germany must perish!

Comments on Germany must Perish! This book enjoyed brisk sales for a time in 1941, and was reviewed[**] by no less than the New York Times, the Washington Post, Time magazine and the Philadelphia Record. This brought it to the attention of Josef Goebbels, who then distributed a million copies of the screed with German…

Heinrich Himmler’s Posen Speech from 04.10.1943

Given at Posen 4 October 1943 Translation of Document No. 1919-PS, Nuremberg Trial Translated by Carlos Porter © Photo from David Irving's Hitler's War Introduction When first confronted with this new translation of Heinrich Himmler's famous speech at Posen, I wondered what new insights could possibly be gained. Himmler's speech is one of the most…

Introduction to Hitler’s War

“To historians is granted a talent that even the gods are denied–to alter what has already happened.” I bore this scornful adage in mind when I embarked on this study of Adolf Hitler's twelve years of absolute power. I saw myself as a stone-cleaner–less concerned with architectural appraisal than with scrubbing years of grime and…


Translator's note: The following is is a typical example of Nuremberg “evidence”. The “testimony” consists of “written statements” said to have been signed by “eyewitnesses”, but which are simply “quoted” in a “report” written by the Stalinists and read aloud (in excerpt form) by the Soviet prosecutor. The “statements” are not attached to the report,…

‘No Gassing In Dachau’

(Click to enlarge) Reproduced here in facsimile is the widely-quoted 1960 letter by Dr. Martin Broszat, translated from the Hamburg weekly Die Zeit under the headline “Keine Vergasung in Dachau” (“No Gassing in Dachau”). It appeared in the German edition of August 19, 1960, and in the US edition of August 26, 1960 (p. 14)….

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