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Poland, Vernichtungslager

One of the earliest, if not the first account of an “extermination camp” in a major American periodical is the short article, “Vernichtungslager” which appeared in Time on August 21, 1944. The title alone is of great interest as it is rendered in German giving the appearance that the Germans referred to Majdanek (and perhaps…

Reconsidering the Nuremberg Trials

“It is the victors who write the history.”—Patrick J. Buchanan “[The Nuremberg] war-crimes trials were based upon a complete disregard of sound legal precedents, principles and procedures. The court had no real jurisdiction over the accused or their offenses; it invented ex post facto crimes; it permitted the accusers to act as prosecutors, judges, jury…

Revenge at Dachau: Justice Looks Away

Click on small pictures to see larger versions, download sizes indicated. Large Images will open in a separate window and are best viewed at 1,024×768 pixels or higher resolution, but 800×600 is adequate. DACHAU LIBERATION88K GIF DACHAU LIBERATION71K GIF DACHAU LIBERATION53K GIF DACHAU LIBERATION60K GIF BELSEN CORPSES89K GIF BUCHENWALD CORPSES49K GIF DACHAU CORPSES55K GIF GUARDS…

Revisionism In a Nutshell

If we were to sum up Holocaust Revisionism in one sentence, we should say: Yes, there was a Holocaust, but No, there were no gas chambers. The gas chambers were a product of wartime propaganda. Mass media propaganda in turn generated mass hysteria about mass murder. There are three political and three psychological reasons why…

Smith to “sissy” Hayes: Let’s share a beer

In his “Plain Talk” perspective Thursday about the Holocaust and Revisionism, Professor Peter Hayes charges me with manipulation, deception, distortion, ignorance, intimidation, nastiness, dishonesty, duplicity, maliciousness, tastelessness, the browbeating of academics like himself, conspiracy mongering, promoting implausibilities and spreading disinformation. Hayes evaded the challenge of addressing content, however, so I suppose you could say he…

Some plain talk about the Holocaust and Revisionism

When this newspaper printed Bradley Smith's advertisment last Thursday (“The Holocaust Story,” April 4, page 11), it fanned not one, but two, gathering controversies on campus. The first concerns our knowledge about the Nazi massacre of the Jews of Europe. The second centers on the policies of The Daily itself. Surprisingly perhaps, the first issue…

Soviet War Crimes Report on Auschwitz

Introduction “The Nuremberg Trials.” The mere mention of these words conjures up stark images of atrocities of the Second World War. These were the trials of the top surviving members of the Nazi leadership. At the conclusion of the trials, a set of volumes would be produced documenting the evidence presented. These volumes would become…

The Anatomy of a Hoax

Often, a bogus charge of anti-Semitism (or racism) is made because of values or opinions or beliefs expressed in a public forum. Consider the case of one Thomas Speers of Waterbury, CT, whose expression of free speech, ironically, landed him in court at the behest of the the radio talk show host whose program Speers…

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