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The Detail

Robert Faurisson is Europe's leading Holocaust revisionist scholar. He was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and served as a professor at the University of Lyon in France from 1974 until 1990. His writings on the Holocaust issue have appeared in two books and numerous scholarly articles, many of which have been published in this Journal….

Tribunal to deny Zündel his Human Rights

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Ernst Zündel, a Canadian publisher, has been brought before a “Human Rights tribunal” today after a complaint was filed by Metropolitan Toronto Mayor Barbara Hall. Hall's complaint was based on revisionist materials that were posted to the Zündelsite, a website established and maintained in the United…

Who Will be Left to Stand Up?

In the twenty years or so that the Gas Chamber Controversy has received a definite shape, largely due to the path breaking work of Arthur Butz and Robert Faurisson, there have been many attempts to suppress and control discussion of its themes, which are central to our understanding of the Holocaust and Modern European history….

Holocaust Denial or Holocaust Revisionism?

A minor question that sometimes arises is the relative merits of the terms “Holocaust denial” and “Holocaust revisionism” to describe the views on the Jewish “extermination” claim that I and others have expressed. Generally, my side says “Holocaust revisionism” and our enemies say “Holocaust denial”. I did not originate either term. I am willing to…

They Committed Suicide?

Robert M. O'Neil is Director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression and author of Classrooms in the Crossfire: The Rights and Interests of Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Librarians, and the Community. He is also former President of the Universities of Virginia and Wisconsin. His most recent book is Free Speech…

Freedom’s just another word

For saying 6-million didn't die. How did an extremist B.C. Columnist end up a martyr? “Give me a break.” Peter Speck is pacing briskly between a window and couch in his office at the North Shore News, self-described “Voice of North and West Vancouver since 1969.” The paper that Speck launched and still runs is…

Faith in “Holocaust” required

A passage in the New York Times Book Review of 19 October 1997 (p. 19) is too easily passed over. David Greenberg was reviewing the memoirs of John Toland, historian best known for a Hitler biography and the book Infamy, on the Pearl Harbor attack. Greenberg is a Richard Hofstadter Fellow in American History at…

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