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Claimed Crematory Rates at Birkenau Seem Improbable

The following text represents the author's opinion, which is being made available for public review and comment. Jean-Francois Beaulieu is a resident of Montreal, Canada who, like many people, simply stumbled across the revisionist debate. On examination of some of the details, he became at first puzzled by descriptions that seemed technically improbable. After posting…

Clinton Signs Internet Censorship Bill

On February 8, 1996, President Clinton signed a Telecommunications bill into law with the use of an electronic pen. This bill which targets “cybersmut” is the foremost example of censorship of the Internet by a governmental body. The bill's provisions restrict “indecent” material from being presented on the Internet. Under this Orwellian piece of legislation,…

German Prosecutors Probe AOL

Feb 2, 1996 Prosecutors in Germany have notified America Online Inc. (AOL) that it may be charged with inciting racial hatred. Prosecutors have recently served similar notice to CompuServe Inc., and T-Online, a division of Deutsche Telekom. Publishing or distributing neo-Nazi literature or literature which questions any part of the orthodox Holocaust story is illegal…

Mirror Site Removed at U Mass.

A graduate student at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, Lewis McCarthy, was among those who chose to protect freedom of speech on the internet by fighting the censorship levied against the web site of Ernst Zündel. Officials at U Mass requested that McCarthy remove the materials that he posted on the school's computer system….

List of Colleges Where CODOH Ads Have Run (1991-1995)

1991 The Holocaust Story: How Much is False: The Case for Open Debate. Northwestern University. 1991 – 1992 The Holocaust Controversy: The Case for Open Debate University of Michigan Duke University Cornell University Northern Illinois University (DeKalb) Rutgers University Ohio State University Vanderbilt University Community College of Philadelphia Washington University (St. Louis) Howard University (W.D.C.)…

Smith’s Journal

Wednesday, 3 January Denial, a new play by Peter Sagal, had its world premiere in December at the Long Wharf Theatre in New Haven. Shades of O'Niel and all the others. The play concerns a Jewish attorney working for the ACLU who is asked to defend a professor and author who is a holocaust revisionist….

The uniqueness of the Holocaust

I. Introduction Was the Holocaust a unique event in history? The question can be trivialized. Every event is unique in the sense of being nonidentical with any other event. Yet the question, and the debate around it, are not trivial. The question is whether there is an important distinctive feature of the Holocaust that makes…

Voluntary mirror sites set up for the beleaguered Zündelsite by Free Speech advocates

Note: An effort to censor the website of Ernst Zündel was initiated by those who would prefer that free-thought and free-speech would become forgotten artifacts of the past. Courageous individuals have thwarted the censorship by mirroring Zündelsite from their own platforms. Even though these individuals do not agree with Zündel's ideas, they believe that he…

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