Year: 1998

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

On 5 December 1997, the court rejected the defendant's defence of justified absence due to pedal-driven brain-bashing machine induced injuries, partly on the grounds that he had failed to specify the exact date of his injury! How stupid can you get? He was given one week in which to object, in German. Translation of Judgment…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

What would happen in an American criminal court if you asked for a new trial date on the grounds that you had previously been unable to appear due to radiation burns suffered while experimenting with an atomic bomb? If you were on trial for murder, a psychiatric examination would most certainly be ordered. In any…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Certified True CopyReference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96 Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTERNiveze Bas, no. 112,B-4845 SART LEZ SPA Belgium [stamp: Effective as of:Munich,Clerk of the Court] Born on 06.03.1947 in Pasadena/United States of America, stateless. Order of Punishment Inquiries of the State Prosecutor's Office have revealed the following: In August 1996, with intent to…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Carlos W. PorterNiveze Bas 112,B-4845 SARTBelgiumSart, 7 January 1997 Judge ZeilingerLower District Court,Justice BuildingNymphenburger Str. 16,D-80097 MUNICHReference no.: 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96 Judge Zeilinger, I hereby object to your order of punishment! I don't recognize your right to try me for anything. I am not a citizen of your “Republik“, and what I do…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Lower District Court, MunichDivision for Criminal Cases and FinesReference no.: (please indicate in all correspondence!)8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96x/ Marked as applicable80097 Munich 27.02.1997Justizgebauede Nymphenburger Strasse 16RoomTelephone (0 89) 55 97-4353[deletions] Fax: (0 89) 5597 4428 (Criminal Court) Lower District Court, 80097 Munich Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTERNiveze Bas, no. 112,B-4845 Sart-Lez-Spa/Belgium SUBPOENA – Please bring…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

[The document is a printed form with a few blanks filled in by typewriter.] Copy Reference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96 (Please indicate reference in all correspondence! IN THE NAME OF THE PEOPLE! JUDGEMENT of the Lower District Court of MunichIn the criminal case against Carlos Whitlock PORTER For Incitement to Racial Hatred Based…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Richter UlrichLandgericht Muenchen IJustizgebaeudeNymphenburger Strasse 16D-800335 Muenchen Spa, 1 July 1997 Landgericht MuenchenAz. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96 Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54 BY REGISTERED MAIL AND FAX Judge Ulrich! With regards to your subpoena of 22 May: Without prejudicial admission, waiver, and with all due reserves: I do not recognize your jurisdiction. I…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Richter UlrichLandgericht Muenchen IJustizgebaeudeNymphenburger Strasse 16D-800335 Muenchen Spa, 1 September 1997 Landgericht MuenchenAz. 18 Ns 112 Js 11637/96Fax: (089) 55 97 43 54 BY REGISTERED MAIL AND FAX Judge Ulrich! Without prejudicial admission, waiver, and with all due reserves. With regards to your summons translated into English and dated 22 August 1997:If you really want…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Note: On 3 November, the defendant received a judgement from the State Court of Munich dated 23 October 1997 acknowledging receipt of the defendant's demands for evidence and for clarification of the charges against him, accompanied by his express refusal to appear, but without comment. [Excerpts] …The subpoena was then delivered to the defendant on…

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