Year: 2013

From the Editor

First word of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon reached us at the Institute for Historical Review shortly after 7 a.m. (PST), September 11. As we followed the breaking news on our radios and over the Internet, our initial consternation was quickly followed by an awareness of the possible implications of…

It’s Time the Arab Leaders Ended Their Silence on the ‘Holocaust’ Imposture

Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1929, educated at the Sorbonne, Professor Faurisson taught at the University of Lyon from 1974 until 1990. Specializing in close textual analysis, Faurisson won widespread acclaim for his studies of poems by Rimbaud and Lautréamont. After years of private research and study, Faurisson revealed his…

From the Editor

This issue’s cover photo, showing Australian revisionist Dr. Fredrick Töben meeting university students in Iran, expresses themes of travel, discovery, communication, teaching, and learning that have been central to historical revisionism since at least 1926, when revisionism’s founding spirit, Professor Harry Elmer Barnes, made his first research and lecture tour of Europe. It also documents…

Learning from the September 11 Attacks

IHR director Mark Weber’s response to the events of September 11, circulated via the Internet, has elicited more response, nearly all of it favorable, than any other such writing in the history of the Institute for Historical Review. To date “Learning from the September 11 Attacks” has resulted in three hour-long guest appearances on U.S….

No to Censorship! No to Bigotry!

April 10, 2001 To:Adonis (Ali Ahmad Said)Mahmoud DarwishMohammed HarbiElias KhouryGerard KhourySalah StetieMohamad BeradaJamel Eddine Ben SheikhEdward W. SaidDominique EddeFayez MallasFarouk Mardam-BeyKhalida SaidElias Sanbar Recently you issued a public statement calling on authorities in Lebanon to ban the “Revisionism and Zionism” conference in Beirut, scheduled for March 31 through April 3, which our Institute had been…


Unanswered Challenge Phil Eversoul, in a letter to the editor that appeared in vol. 20, no.2 of the Journal, citing my article “The Rudolf Case, Irving’s Lost Libel Suit and the Future of Revisionism” (JHR 19, no. 5, pp. 26–61), asks “… why did Zaverdinos allow Irving’s statements to go unchallenged?” The Journal’s editor wrote…

Behind “An Eye for An Eye”

John Sack is one of America’s most eminent literary journalists. His reporting over more than half a century, from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, has appeared in such periodicals as Harper’s, The Atlantic, and The New Yorker. He has been a war correspondent in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Yugoslavia, as well as…

Denying History

Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Didn’t Happen and Why Do They Say It? by Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Hardcover. 312 pages. Bibliography. Index. For some years now Michael Shermer, an adjunct professor at Occidental College and the editor of Skeptic magazine, has been a fixture on the…

Beyond Auschwitz

According to the standard anti-revisionist history of the Holocaust, from May to July of 1944 approximately 430,000 Jews from wartime Hungary were deported to Auschwitz, and about ninety percent of them immediately selected out, gassed, and burned. Most of the remainder were held as “transport Jews” (Durchgangsjuden) until their transfer to other camps.[1] The support…

D for History, A for Entertainment

Enemy at the Gates. (2001) Genre: film (war, drama). Length: 131 minutes. MPAA rating: R. Starring: Jude Law, Joseph Fiennes, Ed Harris, Rachel Weisz, Ron Perlman, Gabriel Marshall-Thomson, Matthias Habich. Director: Jean-Jacques Annaud. Producers: Jean-Jacques Annaud, John D. Schofield. Released by: Paramount. Grade: B+. Scott Smith holds a B.A. in history from Idaho State University….

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