Year: 2013

IHR Internet Web Site Offers Worldwide Access to Revisionism

On its own Internet web site,, the Institute for Historical Review makes available an impressive selection of IHR material, including dozens of IHR Journal articles and reviews. It also includes a listing of every item that has ever appeared in this Journal, as well as the complete texts of The Zionist Terror Network, “The…

Jewish Power

Joseph Sobran is a nationally-syndicated columnist, lecturer, author, and editor of the monthly newsletter Sobran's (P.O. Box 1383, Vienna, VA 22183). “Capitol Hill is 'In Our Hands'” is reprinted from the July-August 1996 issue of Capitol Hill Voice (P.O. Box One, Washington, DC 20044), a newsletter edited and published by Dale Crowley, Jr. “Judaism and…

Killing Noncombatants

Sheldon Richman is senior editor at the Cato Institute in Washington, DC, and the author of Separating School & State, published by The Future of Freedom Foundation (FFF). This essay is reprinted from the September 1995 issue of Freedom Daily, published monthly by the FFF, 11350 Random Hills Rd., Ste. 800, Fairfax, VA 22030. Sheldon…


Keeping an Open Mind As a school teacher, it is my job to keep an open mind and know all sides of history. Thanks to your great website, I can do that. Your articles are well written and informative. It's a nice change of pace from the biased garbage we see on the mainstream news…

Zionism and Anti-Semitism: A Strange Alliance Through History

Allan C. Brownfeld is a syndicated columnist and associate editor of the Lincoln Review, a journal published by the Lincoln Institute for Research and Education, and editor of Issues, the quarterly journal of the American Council for Judaism. This article is reprinted from the July-August 1998 issue of The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs…

Hilberg Denounces Jewish “Blackmail” Against Switzerland

For several years now, the World Jewish Congress and other major Jewish organizations have waged a fierce and much-publicized campaign to force Switzerland to pay millions to Jewish organizations and Holocaust survivors, to compensate for money allegedly deposited in Swiss banks by Jews who later perished during the Second World War, and for gold purchased…

German ‘Indexing’ of IHR Leaflets Cancelled

Jürgen Rieger In October 1996 a German government agency “indexed” as “dangerous to youth” translations of two popular leaflets published by the Institute for Historical Review. Germany’s “Federal Review Agency for Literature Dangerous to Youth” (Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften), acting at the request of the country’s Interior Ministry, “indexed” unauthorized Internet translations of “The Holocaust:…

They Called Him ‘Hobo’

Trevor J. Constable, born in New Zealand in 1925, has an international reputation as an aviation historian and author. With Colonel Raymond F. Toliver, he has authored a number of successful works on fighter aviation and ace fighter pilots. He has lived in the United States since 1952. He now makes him home in southern…

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