Year: 2014

War Is Declared!

“Article 1 – The Legislative Branch; Section 8 – Powers of Congress To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water.” —Constitution of the United States[1] Revisionists are typically quick to condemn President Franklin Roosevelt for his actions, which cast the United States into the Second…

Unholy Pursuit: The Charles Zentai Case in Australia

“‘Circumstantial evidence is a very tricky thing,’ answered Holmes thoughtfully; ‘it may seem to point very straight to one thing, but if you shift your own point of view a little, you may find it pointing in an equally uncompromising manner to something entirely different. It must be confessed, however, that the case looks exceedingly…

The Yockey-Thompson Campaign against Post-War Vengeance

The American neo-Spenglerian philosopher Francis Parker Yockey has over the past decade enjoyed a revival of interest among the far Right.[1] Now that the Right is less encumbered by the dominant political-financial system’s Cold War rhetoric which saw a range of movements from conservatives to the American Nazi Party[2] lining up to beat the war…

The Three Photographs of an Alleged Gas Van

Between 1945 and 2012, the entire literature about the gas vans has presented exactly three photographs which allegedly show such vehicles. Sometimes it was explicitly claimed that the vehicle had been used for homicidal purposes, sometimes this was implied. In 1994, these photographs were subjected to a critical analysis by Udo Walendy[1] and Pierre Marais.[2]…

Revisionism’s Final Victories

Perhaps France fell first, in 1991, with its loi Gayssot. Then (or slightly before) fell Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, not necessarily in that order. All these countries, and of course Israel, have capitulated to historical revisionism in the most abjectly desperate manner imaginable: they now officially, with laws, threaten people who express certain views of…

Ritual Defamation: A Contemporary Academic Example

The term ritual defamation was coined by Laird Wilcox to describe the destruction of the reputation of a person by unfair, wrongful, or malicious speech or publication. The defamation is in retaliation for opinions expressed by the victim, with the intention of silencing that person’s influence, and making an example of him so as to discourage…

The Clash of the Nobelists

Nobel-Prize-winning German writer Günter Grass sent shock waves through the international community when, on April 4, he published a poem in the Süddeutsche Zeitung titled “What Must Be Said.” In that poem, for his first time, he voiced his deep concerns about the fact that his country was supplying to Israel, a nuclear power, submarines…

The Number of Victims of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (1936-1945)

Every year on 22 April the liberation of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp is duly commemorated. On this occasion, the press sometimes still mentions the figure of 100,000 victims who allegedly perished or were murdered at this camp. Although Sachsenhausen does not belong to the six “classic” extermination camps (Chelmno, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka), the epithet…

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