Month: October 2015

Codoh Exposes Auschwitz Perjurer

False “eyewitness” Testimony Helped Hang Germans This month CODOH drops a bombshell. We have discovered, and now reveal, that a celebrated “survivor,- a prominent Zionist, and a major figure in the founding and leadership of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum gave false testimony immediately after World War II testimony that helped convict and hang Germans…


Your letters are the one way I have of knowing what your reaction to each issue of SR is, good or bad. I am unable to respond to correspondence unless it is extremely urgent. I realize this makes it rather a one-way street. If you do not want your name printed here, and there are…

CODOHWeb Helping to Set the Record Straight on Zionism, Israel and the Palestinians

As this issue of Smith's Report makes clear, the U. S. Holocaust Memorial Museum is long on evidence of insults, atrocities, evictions and expulsions befalling the Jews of Europe 1933-1945, but embarrassingly short on hard evidence of their systematic extermination. There’s another paradox as well: while the Museum’s exhibits speak glowingly of the creation of…

Internet Roundup

The great war theoretician Sun Tzu declared, “Speed is the essence of war.” Today it would be fair to paraphrase Sun Tzu and write, “Speed is the essence of the Internet.” Comparisons of the Internet to “super highways” abound in today’s news media. What is the point of such metaphors? Clearly, the intention is to…

Worldscope on Revisionism and Revisionists

The latest issue of The Journal of Historical Review is a winner, featuring new research and new commentary from stellar JHR contributors from years past, plus encouraging news on Holocaust revisionism’s progress abroad Robert Faurisson with a new “primer” on Auschwitz, and his views on the Roger Garandy/Abbé Pierre affairs (see SR#’s 33, 36, &…


Greetings from old Mexico. We’re in Baja California, in Rosarito, and all is well, as these things go. The office is up and running. I’m completely re-wired; the telephone, the fax, computer, printer, answering machine, photocopier and my Telnor Internet connection, which appears to be very solid. I have a local computer consulting firm to…


Robert Faurisson. Because of my press release of 19 April 1996 (See p. 4-5 of “An Assessment of the Garaudy/Abbe Pierre Affair,” January—October 1996) I was immediately indicted. For many reasons, my trial was twice postponed. It will start on 25 September in Paris. The presiding judge said to my lawyer, Eric Delcroix, that it…

Revisionism on the Internet As featured on CODOHWeb

Revisionism on the Internet—This handsome, durable, spiral-bound “journal” presents a cross-section of the materials that are making CODOHWeb a world-wide force for the truth that underlies history’s greatest taboo. As described in the previous issue of SR, Revisionism on the Internet contains exiled German chemist Germar Rudolf s analysis of German Establishment scholar W. A….

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