Month: November 2016

The Anti-Revisionist Hollywood Movie Attacking Historian David Irving Is a Flop

Denial. BBC Films. 109 minutes. This reviewer was expecting that it would be a tedious ordeal to sit through Denial, Hollywood’s attempted canonization of the obnoxious thought cop Deborah Lipstadt, which was supposed to also serve as the final confirmation of the libel trial in London in 2000 that saw historian David Irving’s reputation supposedly…

Deborah Lipstadt and the Ruling Discourse on Holocaust Studies

With the renewed interest in Deborah Lipstadt due to the release of the film Denial, we have chosen to include this article by the late Bradley R. Smith. Smith comments extensively about Lipstadt’s anti-revisionist book, Denying the Holocaust and especially the vitriol that Lipstadt unleashed on him for his work to introduce college students to…

David v. Goliath: Irving versus Lipstadt (London, 2000)

Acknowledgment: I wish to thank David Irving for a prompt and thorough response to my request that he review a draft of this article for accuracy. He pointed out several areas of misstatement or neglected points, and this permitted considerable improvement to the article. An identical request made at the same time to Dr. Lipstadt…

The Taboo against Truth

“Speaking truth to power” is not easy when you support that power. Perhaps this is the reason why so few Western historians are willing to tell the whole truth about state crimes during this century. Last fall [1988 —Ed.] the Moscow News reported the discovery by two archaeologist-historians of mass graves at Kuropaty, near Minsk,…

The Battle for Discussion

Deborah Lipstadt has recently become newsworthy again as a result of the release of the movie Denial that tells the tale of David Irving’s defamation lawsuit against her and Penguin books.  The movie, which flopped at the box office, purports to tell how David Irving charged Lipstadt with libel for calling him a “Holocaust denier”…

Lipstadt’s Motivations and “ad Hominem” Attacks

This article originally appeared as Chapter 3 of Germar Rudolf’s recent book, Fail: “Denying the Holocaust.” How Deborah Lipstadt Botched Her Attempt to Demonstrate the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory. The current edition titled Bungled: “Denying the Holocaust” may be purchased through Revisionist Motives According to Lipstadt I will here discuss some sweeping…

Tickling the Dragon

Look Who’s Back! Constantin Film. 116 minutes He/it is the most-delicate subject in Germany, perhaps even the world, at least since the time he was alive (1889-1945). This is more-so in Germany, the country whose government he controlled in the last 12 years of his life, than anywhere else. In Germany, many (dozens?) are in…

Holocaust Howlers

Recently, the heartrending tales of a 95-year-old Pennsylvanian named Joseph Hirt were revealed to be a hoax. Hirt claimed to have been kidnapped by the Nazis and confined in Auschwitz. He illustrated his talks to high school audiences with a photo of an emaciated concentration camp inmate he claimed to be himself. A knowledgeable teacher…

Reconsidering Hitler’s Gestapo

The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality of Hitler’s Secret Police. Frank McDonough. (London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2015). Dr. Frank McDonough, professor of international history at Liverpool John Moores University, has written a book that will be of much interest to “historical revisionists.” Like Robert N. Proctor’s Nazi War on Cancer[1] it is a revisionist work,…

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