Year: 2016

Canadian Broadcasting Company Spreads the Word

A music teacher and would-be Green Party candidate in recent elections who lives in Alberta put up a five-minute video on YouTube that explains how, through the relentless promotion/enforcement of the Big Lie, she faced anti-German discrimination through her childhood and even, as any thoughtful child might do, confronted her parents about how they, immigrants…

Letter to the American Civil Liberties Union

Susan N. Herman  PresidentAnthony D. Romero  Executive DirectorGeri E. Rozanski  DirectorLouise Melling Deputy Legal DirectorMelling@LibertyLouise[email protected]   Dear officers of the American Civil Liberties Union: Greetings from the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. Although the ACLU is less involved with civil liberties outside of the United States we are contacting you as part of…

Letter to PEN

Suzanne Nossel Executive Director PEN[email protected] Karin Deutsch Karlekar Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected] Katy Glenn Bass Deputy Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected] Shreya Balhara Free Expression Coordinator[email protected]>   Dear PEN- Greetings from the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust.We are reaching out to progressive organizations to encourage defense of free speech and open discussion….

Police in Barcelona Close down Pedro Varela’s Europa Bookstore

We awaken now to the news that the Catalonian police in Barcelona have closed down the bookstore Europa belonging to Pedro Varela by an order of the Ninth District Court in Barcelona, ​​apparently, as reported in several Spanish newspapers, "for allegedly producing, re-producing, distributing and selling material that promotes hatred and discrimination. For more than…

The Holocaust Taboo as Prohibition

Prohibition is force imposed by superior agents on an action such as possessing drugs or expressing thoughts. More-strictly, it is legal force such as that imposed on persons possessing cocaine, or expressing doubts about certain institutions of official history, such as the Holocaust, in most of the countries of Europe. Prohibition is so widespread geographically…

Elie Wiesel Has Died at Age 87

Elie Wiesel was arguably the most well known and powerful figure among acknowledged Holocaust survivors. While alive, he exercised his “moral lobby” to keep the memories of the Holocaust and Holocaust survivors alive and to “educate” the new generations on the dangers of anti-Semitism and hatred to minorities, specially, of course, to Jews.  He coined…

The Joseph Hirt Story

Joseph Bernard Hirt worked as a school psychologist and psychology-teacher in Chester County, Pennsylvania until his retirement in 1993. It was not long after this that Hirt took up a second career – as a “Holocaust survivor.” In this role Hirt achieved significant regional notoriety. The early period of Hirt's career as a Holocaust survivor…

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