Year: 2021

Peter Longerich on the “Holocaust”

German historian Dr. Peter Longerich is regarded by many as one of the leading authorities on the "Holocaust." Longerich was hired as an expert defense witness in David Irving’s libel suit against Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher Penguin Books. He prepared two reports for this civil action. Longerich later wrote books expanding on his research for this trial. This article discusses some of the weaknesses of Longerich’s research regarding the so-called Holocaust.

Rudolf Hess: Wronged Prisoner of Peace

Rudolf Hess was one of the most popular National Socialist leaders. Albrecht Haushofer wrote in 1934 about Hess: “There is a strange charm in his personality; whenever he is there, a friendly veil falls over all the grey and black of the present.” Joseph Goebbels wrote about Hess in his diary: “Hess—the most decent person, quiet, friendly, reserved”. Hess is also famous for his flight to Great Britain on May 10, 1941 to attempt to negotiate peace with the British. This article discusses Hess’s motives for this dangerous flight, the injustice against Hess at the Nuremberg Trial, and whether Hess committed suicide or was murdered in Spandau Prison.

When Adolf Hitler Declared War on Modern Art (6:50 min)

When Adolf Hitler Declared War on Modern Art. When Adolf Hitler, who was himself a talented artist. was in his early stages coming to power, Communists dominated "art" circles in the Third Reich. The pictures of these leftists, can only be described as awful rubblish posing as art. Gross and disgusting pictures from these leftist "artists" are…

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher (4:29 min)

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher. After the end of the war against Germany, Jews had to explain that in this mass "gassing" genocide organised by the most efficient people on Earth, that they had survived. Here, another yarn….

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony (13:46 min)

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony. In this (13 minute) video, we look at the Swimming Pool at Auschwitz main camp. The camp was a "death" camp according to the "Holocau$t" atrocity liars where thousands of Jews were "gassed" and then cremated. The video also looks at the accounts of Jews talking about the various facilities…

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