Year: 2021

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer (Part 3 of 4) (29:25 min)

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer (Part 3 of 4) Brian Ruhe talks to Monika Schaefer, President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society in the (29 minute) video, and Dennis Wise, renowned producer of documentaries, on August 4th 2021. Dennis continues with his chat with the delightful and attractive Monika, and Brian….

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer (Part 2 of 4) (32:42 MIn)

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer. (Part 2 of 4) Brian Ruhe talks to Monika Schaefer, President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society in the (32 minute) video, and Dennis Wise, renowned producer of documentaries, on August 4th 2021. Dennis continues with his chat with the delightful and attractive Monika, and Brian. Dennis…

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer (Part 1 of 4) (30:25 min)

Brian Ruhe Hosts Dennis Wise and Monika Schaefer. (Part 1 of 4) Brian Ruhe talks to Monika Schaefer, President of the Truth and Justice for Germans Society in the (30 minute) video, and Dennis Wise, renowned producer of documentaries, on August 4th 2021. The delightful and attractive Monika tells Brian how she is really looking…

Auschwitz Models on Display with Professor Faurisson (38:02 min)

Auschwitz Models on Display with Professor Faurisson. In this [38 minute] video, Jim Rivoli looks at a video which been sent to him. Jim says that the buildings at Auschwitz remain unseen or uninvestigated by a lot of people. Many people do not understand what they look like. The video shows Professor Robert Faurisson, the brilliant…

Holocaust Expert Robert Faurisson (11:56 min)

Holocaust Expert Robert Faurisson. Jim Rizoli of pays tribute to Professor Robert Faurisson in this (11 minute) video. Professor Robert Faurisson, was a Phd expert in document analysis, a courageous man who fought against the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie in his native France, suffering physical assault and being dragged through the courts when Zionists and Communists got…

Holohoax Tales Jehovah’s Witness Forced to Shoot Jews (1:30 min)

In this yarn by a Jewish "witness" (more likely witless), the Germans play a little trick on the prisoners. The Jehovah Witnesses (JW) among them are told to go to the front, where the Germans insist one of them would shoot a Jew with a revolver [German soldiers seldom carried revolvers, normally pistols like the Luger] or be shot themselves.

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