Author: Arthur R. Butz

Dr. Arthur R. Butz was born in 1933 and raised in New York City. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), where he is still Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences (at age 90 in 2024!). Dr. Butz is the author of numerous technical papers. From 1980 until its termination in 2002, he was a member of the Editorial Advisory Committee of The Journal of Historical Review.

Dr. Butz is the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, first published in 1976, and a number of minor revisionist papers. For those writings, he has been vilified and ostracized ever since.

Robert A. Graham

When I was writing The Hoax of the Twentieth Century I encountered an extraordinary source, viz. the multi-volume collection of documents and commentary Actes et documents du Saint Siège relatifs à la seconde guerre mondiale (Acts and documents of the Holy See relative to the Second World War). The series, whose principal editor was Robert…

Holocaust Denial or Holocaust Revisionism?

A minor question that sometimes arises is the relative merits of the terms “Holocaust denial” and “Holocaust revisionism” to describe the views on the Jewish “extermination” claim that I and others have expressed. Generally, my side says “Holocaust revisionism” and our enemies say “Holocaust denial”. I did not originate either term. I am willing to…

They Committed Suicide?

Robert M. O'Neil is Director of the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free Expression and author of Classrooms in the Crossfire: The Rights and Interests of Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Librarians, and the Community. He is also former President of the Universities of Virginia and Wisconsin. His most recent book is Free Speech…

Faith in “Holocaust” required

A passage in the New York Times Book Review of 19 October 1997 (p. 19) is too easily passed over. David Greenberg was reviewing the memoirs of John Toland, historian best known for a Hitler biography and the book Infamy, on the Pearl Harbor attack. Greenberg is a Richard Hofstadter Fellow in American History at…

Deaths in German Concentration Camps

The aim of this section is to present some numerical data pertaining to those “ordinary” deaths in German concentration camps of a sort that are not contested. That is to say, deaths which were documented by the Germans, even if some of those documents are now missing. The “Holocaust” allegation is that the millions “exterminated”…

Butz and “Pop the Top”

On 1 May 1997 I read, in the Chicago Tribune, of a strange project in a junior high school in the small town of Mahomet, Illinois. A social studies teacher had given his students the task of collecting 6 million tabs from the tops of soda pop cans, in order to get “children to fully…

Zyklon B and Gas Chambers

In The Hoax of the Twentieth Century I remarked that typhus was a great killer for the Germans in World War I, giving a reference published shortly after that war.[1] The typhus of World War I, like that of World War II, was carried by lice. In response to this specific problem, the German company…

Plan of Auschwitz Crematorium II

Plan of Auschwitz Crematorium II. Leichenkeller 1. Below ground level morgue. Leichenkeller 2. Below ground level morgue. Leichenkeller 3. Below ground level morgue. Furnace room. Ground level only. 15 cremation muffles. Corpse elevator. Only the small central part of the building, where the furnace room joined Leichenkeller 1 and 2, had two levels. Corpse chute….

Slick Revisionists

An article in the Newark Star-Ledger of 23 Oct. 1996 (p 15) treats Web sites that some consider objectionable. Among these are sites of Holocaust revisionists. Steven Some, Chairman of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, said “These Holocaust deniers are very slick people. They justify everything they say with facts and figures.” That's…

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