Author: CODOH Trustees

in late 2014, CODOH was converted into a charitable trust. The trustees at times write collectively under that name.

Change at the Helm

Facing major challenges with the sudden drop out of Germar Rudolf from all roles and positions within CODOH, the CODOH Board of Trustees has appointed Trustee Michael Santomauro as Manager of Castlehill Publishing LLC. Mr. Santomauro was so generous to offer his services free of charge to front as Castlehill’s Manager, as long as it…


To the Board of Trustees of the Bradley Smith Charitable Trust: I herewith, effective immediately, resign from: the position of CEO of the Bradley Smith Charitable Trust being a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bradley Smith Charitable Trust the position of CEO of Castlehill Publishing, LLC, a company owned by the Bradley…

CODOH’s Christmas Message 2021

Face Mask with Elon Musk quote: "The Don't Ban Hate Speech, They Ban Speech They Hate" As every year, please allow us to report to all our fans, patrons, followers, customers and supporters the activities we were engaged in during the year 2021: CODOH Board of Trustees Castle Hill Publishers CODOH Forum CODOH’s Social Media…

CODOH’s Christmas 2017 Message

‘Tis the season again, Christmas, Yuletide, Hanukkah… Whatever the case may be for you, we hope that you are able to enjoy it to its fullest potential. We at CODOH and Castle Hill Publishers take this opportunity to summarize for you all the events of 2017 that were essential to us. This year, we have…

Amazon Mass-Bans Dissident Materials

On February 23rd, 2017, the world's media started spreading the news that Israel's government-sponsored Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center started putting Amazon under pressure to remove any and all material that questions the orthodox Holocaust narrative. Here is a list of items for your perusal:,7340,L-4927591,00.html…

Reaching Out

CODOH has become static, stale, ossified. That’s a complaint we’ve heard a lot lately. If you don’t know what we mean by that, go to CODOHWeb and see how rarely and irregularly new items get posted there. Many events worth reporting have been and are being left out. It’s a shame. There are several reasons…

A New Online Era

The last print issue of Smith's Report As indicated before, lacking any past payment data linked to your Smith’s Report subscription, we gave every subscriber five free SR issues starting with #214. These subscriptions run out with the present issue. Along with the last issue of SR we asked you all to renew your subscription….

This Is What CODOH Will Do

First of all, CODOH will both grow and shrink. It will grow, because the CODOH Trust now includes the publishing outlet Castle Hill Publishers (CHP) with all its book stock and copyrights. If well-maintained, this will give CODOH a steady source of income and reduce the necessity to beg you all for money. CHP, established…

Reorganizing CODOH

Hurray, we did it! CODOH is now officially a Charitable Trust, has its own Tax ID, a new postal address, a new bank account, and even a real phone number. And it wasn’t impeded by anything Bradley Smith or his stepdaughter did or did not do, as stated in the last Editorial, but rather by…

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