Author: Jürgen Graf

Jürgen Graf, a Swiss citizen, was born in 1951 in Basel. He studied French, English, and Scandinavian languages at the University of Basel, and then worked for some years as a teacher. After becoming acquainted with the revisionist view of the Holocaust in 1991, he became active in this field. He is now retired.

Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow

The following article was taken, with generous permission from Carlo Mattogno’s recently published study Auschwitz Engineers in Moscow: The Soviet Postwar Interrogations of the Auschwitz Cremation-Furnace Engineers. (Armreg Ltd, London, January 2023; Volume 52 of the series Holocaust Handbooks; see the book announcement at the end of this issue of Inconve­nient History). In this book,…

Auschwitz: Eyewitness Reports and Perpetrator Confessions of the Holocaust

While Castle Hill has already released Volume 42 of the series Holocaust Handbooks (see Book Announcement in Issue No. 1 of this volume), some earlier volumes, whose spots were reserved many years ago, have yet to be released, among them volumes 34 and 36. Alas, Volume 36 has now finally seen the light of day:…


Lady Michele Renouf, the beautiful, elegant and intelligent fighter against the Holoco$t is interviewed and talks about the original Jewish homeland created by Stalin in Siberia. Lady Renouf states in this video (47 minutes) her refreshing and intelligent views regarding the terrible situation in Palestine. As Lady Renouf says that the Jewish homeland in Siberia,…

Jürgen Graf: The Holocaust as Political Weapon, Part 1 (28:08 min)

AVOF 180 Jürgen Graf The Holocaust as Political Weapon (Part 1). In this Samisdat produced Voice of Freedom video (28 minutes, Ernst Zundel presents Jurgen Graf, a Swiss activist in exposing the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie. Jurgen is speaking at the 12th International Revisionist Conference held on September 3rd to 5th 1994 at Irvine, California, USA….

Jürgen Graf Holocaust Propaganda for the Kalergi Plan (5:51 min)

In this 5 minute video clip, Jürgen Graf, a brilliant Swiss scholar and linguist talks about the Kalergi Plan. Jurgen tells of his early days and his struggle for the truth. After researching the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, he became convinced of two things. One, was that the governments in the West are merely puppet like. Two,…

Ernst Zündel: Interview Jurgen Graf 1994

Ernst Zundel Interview Jurgen Graf 1994. In this Samisdat produced Voice of Freedom video (27 minutes), Ernst Zundel presents Jurgen Graf, a Swiss activist in exposing the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie. Jurgen, is a noted author, highly educated and a brilliant lingist, speaking over 20 languages. Jurgen first speaks at the 12th International Revisionist Conference held on September…

Memorabilia:The Fate of Unregistered Auschwitz Inmates (2000)

Swiss Revisionist Jürgen Graf tackles this very important subject. One of the many claims by "Holocau$t" scammers in their continual fakery, is how German documents don't really mean what they say. When the Korherr document (which was submitted by Himmler to Hitler) says that over a million Jews have been transferred to the Russian East through the…

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