Author: Jürgen Graf

Jürgen Graf, a Swiss citizen, was born in 1951 in Basel. He studied French, English, and Scandinavian languages at the University of Basel, and then worked for some years as a teacher. After becoming acquainted with the revisionist view of the Holocaust in 1991, he became active in this field. He is now retired.

Swiss Court Punishes Two Revisionists

Prosecutor Threatens Defense Witness A court in Switzerland has punished 47-year-old teacher Jürgen Graf and 78-year-old retired engineer Gerhard Förster with fines and prison terms for writing or publishing allegedly anti-Jewish books. A district court in the northern Swiss town of Baden on July 21 sentenced Graf, a leading Holocaust revisionist, to 15 months imprisonment…

A Dangerous Guilt Complex

For the Jews the [Holocaust] story has become an indispensable part of their religious heritage, very much like the plight Israel’s children had to endure in Egypt or the destruction of the second temple. For non-Jews as well, the Holocaust has gradually been transformed into a religious myth … Even the slightest criticism of Jews…

Imposing a Guilt Complex

Jürgen Graf, born in 1951, is a Swiss educator who makes his home near Basel. In March 1993, following the publication of his 112-page book, Der Holocaust auf dem Prüfstand (“The Holocaust on the Test Stand”), he was summarily dismissed from his post as a secondary school teacher of Latin and French. (See the Sept.-Oct….

Revisionism on the Advance in Estonia

0. Introduction During the conference on “Globalism” held at Moscow in January 2002, where I reported about the most recent finding of revisionism on the alleged Treblinka extermination camp, I got to know two young Estonians, who to my pleasant surprise had brought with them an Estonian edition of my first revisionist work Der Holocaust…

Just Call Me Meyer – A Farewell to “Obviousness”

In The Revisionist no. 1/2003, a series of articles on a new controversy over the death toll of the Auschwitz concentration camp was published under the title “Auschwitz: The Dwindling Death Toll” (pp. 18-37). This new controversy had been triggered by Fritjof Meyer, a leading journalist for Germany's largest news magazine Der Spiegel. In the…

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?

Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2004, pb, 370 pp., $25.- Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: “Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transfer Camp?”, 370 pages, 6×9, paperback, bibliography, documents, photos, index, $25,- Click here for more info and/or to order it now! At the end of November or…

Raul Hilberg’s Incurable Autism

Raul Hilberg, Sources of Holocaust Research: An Analysis, R. Dee, Chicago, 2001, hardcover, 218 pp., $26.- 1. The Destruction of European Jewry Fifteen years ago, Robert Faurisson stated the opinion that Raul Hilberg was the only representative of the official version of the “Holocaust” for whom he felt a certain measure of respect, although only…

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