Author: Russ Granata

Russ Granata (Aug. 22, 1923 – Aug. 14, 2004) was a U.S. teacher of Italian descent.

Anti-Defamation League Takes Aim at Italian-American Pride

Russ Granata taught European history, literature and German for 33 years in southern California public schools. A graduate of the University of California (B.A.) and the University of Southern California (M.A.), he is a specialist of European history and literature. He is a six-times decorated US Navy veteran of World War Two. On October 25…


Umerziehung: Die De-Nationalisierung besiegter Völker im 20. Jahrhundert (“Reeducation: The De-Nationalization of Vanquished Nations in the Twentieth Century”), by Georg Franz-Willing. Coburg: Nation Europa Verlag, 1991. Hardcover. 270 pages. Bibliography. Index. DM 39.80. ISBN 3 920677 02 1. (Available from Nation Europa Verlag, Postfach 25 54, 8630 Coburg, Germany.) Dr. Georg Franz-Willing is one of…

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