Author: Paul Grubach

Paul Grubach is a U.S. scholar who has published many revisionist studies and articles.

Letters to the Editor

About R. Countess, “Why the USA Wages War in the Gulf Region,” TR 1(1) (2003), pp. 109-111. To the Editor: Dr. Countess is to be congratulated for writing a fine review of this book, and for bringing to your readership’s attention the role played by ‘Oil Concerns’ in bringing the US into the Gulf War…

All Men Are Equal-But Are They Really?

In 1994, Richard Herrnstein and Charles Murray published their highly controversial book, The Bell Curve, in which they claimed that the American Black population has a lower average intelligence quotient than the American White population, and genetic differences between the two groups are to a large extent responsible for this. Of course, this raised a…

World War I Atrocity Propaganda and the Holocaust

Dr. Robert Jan van Pelt, a professor of architecture at the University of Waterloo (Canada), has undoubtedly written one of the most important anti-Holocaust revisionist tomes ever penned.[1] Revisionist academic Samuel Crowell put his finger on the reasons as to why The Case for Auschwitz: Evidence from the Irving Trial is such an important work:[2]…

Revisionist Reflections on the Upcoming “Holocaust” Demjanjuk Trial in Germany

John Demjanjuk and a US Judge’s Ruling After losing a long legal battle to stay in the US, John Demjanjuk was deported to Germany on May 12 to stand trial for alleged war crimes. He is charged with helping to murder 29,000 Jews. In 2002, US District Court Judge Paul R. Matia claimed in his…

The Final Solution: A Response to Christopher Browning

The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939–March 1942, by Christopher R. Browning, with contributions by Jürgen Matthäus, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2004, 616 pages. Introduction Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. The…

An Enduring Symbol of Holocaust Evil or Holocaust Falsehood?

Christopher R. Browning, 2003. “Perpetrator Testimony: Another Look at Adolf Eichmann.” In : Christopher R. Browning, Collected Memories: Holocaust History and Postwar Testimony, The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, Wisconsin, 2003. Introduction Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. The author of numerous books and…

The Sobibor “Death Camp” in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case (2009)

On April 14, John Demjanjuk was almost deported to Germany to stand trial for alleged war crimes. A last minute ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati blocked this German extradition request, and the 89 year-old Ukrainian émigré was returned to his home. German authorities claim Demjanjuk walked Jews from train…

Christopher Browning and the “Nazi Gas Chambers” of Belzec

Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. He was the Canadian government’s most important expert witness at the 1988 Holocaust trial in Toronto, where Ernst Zundel was prosecuted for allegedly publishing false news about the Jewish experience during WWII. He also testified as an expert…

The Holocaust Doctrine and the Hypocrisy of Western Values

Ahmadinejad’s Insightful Statement In reference to political Zionism, certain Western governments and the Jewish Holocaust story, the President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, was claimed to have said in late 2005: “They have fabricated a legend under the name of Massacre of the Jews, and they hold it higher than God himself, religion itself and the…

The God Hypothesis, Atheism, and the Holocaust Religion

The God Delusion, by Richard Dawkins, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston/New York, 2006, 406 pages. Distinguished biologist and widely admired author, Richard Dawkins, is well known to most educated people. Since his authorship of the classic book, The Selfish Gene, and other works on evolutionary biology, he has become one of the most widely read scientists…

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