Author: Fred A. Leuchter

Until the late 1980’s, Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., was the foremost expert on the design, construction and maintenance of hardware, including homicidal gas chambers, used to execute convicted criminals in the United States. After receiving a Bachelor's degree (in history) from Boston University in 1964, Leuchter did postgraduate work at the Harvard Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Leuchter is perhaps best known as the author of four controversial forensic reports on alleged German wartime extermination gas chambers. Leuchter designed and maintained gas chambers for several U.S. penal institutions. He was sent by Ernst Zündel to investigate Auschwitz, Majdanek, Dachau, Hartheim and other alleged "Nazi Death Camps" and "gassing facilities." Author of the devastating, trail-blazing series of Leuchter Reports (I, II, III, IV) and several articles and videotaped presentations that resulted from these investigations. Sensational Zündel witness in the Great Holocaust Trial in 1988.

Read more about him here.

Fred A. Leuchter, Interview by Jim Rizoli, 2015

Denying Denial

If historian Norman M. Naimark is right in saying that “genocide has been a part of human history from its very beginnings,” why are we memorializing one genocide to the exclusion of all the others?

The Leuchter Report

Jim Rizoli goes over the famous Leuchter Report on the impossibilities of there being homicidal gas chambers in the camps during the so called Holocaust.

American vs. Nazi Gas Chambers Comparing Gas Chambers with Fred Leuchter

American vs. Nazi Gas Chambers Comparing Gas Chambers with Fred Leuchter.

Fred Leuchter Munich 1991

In this 25 minute Fred Leuchter explains his reasons for going to Auschwitz and viewing the alleged gas chambers there. Fred was an execution expert in the United States and knew a lot of how execution gas chambers worked in a number of states.


Our Reply to David Cole

I'm, Diane and Fred Leuchter reply to what David Cole says in his video.

Eric Hunt Turns his Back on the TRUTH

Jim Rizoli and Fred Leuchter discuss how this could happen.

Who Wrote the Leuchter Report

In this 36 minute clip, Jim Rizoli and Fred Leuchter discuss the authorship of the Leuchter report. The Leuchter report was a major turning point against the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propaganda. Fred, an American execution engineering expert, was employed to investigate the “gas chambers” at Auschwitz-Birkenau for the Ernst Zundel defence team at his trial for denying the “Holocaust”. Fred, who like most people had assumed the “gas chambers” was historically true, was stunned that there was no evidence of “gas chambers” or any evidence that the “gas chambers” had been used in a such a way. He then wrote a report detailing his findings.
Placing himself on the revisionist “slippery slope”, Fred was smeared, traduced and attacked by Communists and Zionists.

Fred Leuchter in Munich 1993 (24:36 min)

Fred Leuchter speaks at Munich in 1993.

Fred Leuchter Interview Sept 26 2020

Fred Leuchter Interview Sept 26 2020.


FRED LEUCHTER AND BRADLEY SMITH ON BOSTON TV 1990. In this (49 minutes) video,  Fred Leuchter and Bradley R Smith (founder of CODOH) appear on the Jerry Williams Show on Boston TV.


FRED LEUCHTER BLOCKADE BREAKER. In this video (55 minutes) we see Fred under attack by a small motley number of Zionist "Holocaust" atrocity liars in his home town of Malden, Massachusetts, USA.

Mr. Death The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter Jr. (1:29:47 Hrs)

Fred A. Leuchter Jr. became famous after his testimony as witness expert in the 2nd Great Holocaust trial against ERNST ZÜNDEL in 1988 in Toronto where he wrote the so called "Leuchter report" that basically stated that in Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, former German concentration camps during WWII, there were no and could not have been any gas chambers after what Leuchter, an expert on execution devices like the electrical chair or the gas chamber in US-american penitentiaries, h

American vs. Nazi Gas Chambers Comparing Gas Chambers with Fred Leuchter

Frederick Leuchter is an consultant on the execution of criminals in the US prison system. He has constructed chambers which kill individuals convicted of capital offences, by cyanide gas.He visits Germany and Poland, and shows that there is no evidence that the chambers said to have been built there to kill thousands of inmates at…

Jim Rizoli Interviews Fred Leuchter

Jim Rizoli interviews Fred Leuchter.  Jim Rizoli of interviews (One hour 41 minutes) Fred Leuchter, on the 25th of August 2019.Fred explains his famous mission to Auschwitz-Birkenau on behalf of Ernst Zundel. Fred, was a consulting engineer on all types of executions, and Ernst Zundel was advised by his friend, Professor Robert Faurisson to seek…

Memorabilia: Highlights of the 9th IHR Conference

This video shows clips of some of the revisionist speakers at the 9th Institute for Historical Review conference in 1990, including Prof. Robert Faurisson, Fred Leuchter and David Irving. Introduced by Tom Marcellus of the IHR. A highly interesting report on the conference. Tom also gives the basis of "revisionism" to bring history with line…

Memorabilia: Fred Leuchter at the 9th Institute for Historical Review Conference 1989

Fred Leuchter at the 9th Institute for Historical Review conference 1989. Fred Leuchter was an expert in execution technology in the United States. He consulted with several American states regarding the capital punishment of convicted criminals. He was an expert on "gas chambers". Here he (one hour 4 minutes) exposes the so-called "Holocau$t" as a…

Memorabilia:The Persecution of Fred Leuchter

Execution expert Fred Leuchter, author of the reports that scientifically proved the non-existence of Nazi gas chambers, has endured horrendous persecution. In his own words, he details the organized attack on him and his livelihood as a result but stands fast to his findings and refuses to recant despite the vicious pressure. In this video (28…

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