Author: Ezra Macvie

Pen name of Joseph Norbert Potts.

How the Standard Holocaust Narrative Got off the Ground

Commandant in Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions. Carlo Mattogno and Rudolf Höss, English translation by Germar Rudolf. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, Nov. 2017; trade paperback, 402 pages, 6″×9″, bibliography, index, ISBN: 9781591481911.. Hellishly flaming crematoria. Lines of doomed Jews trudging through the snow from cattle cars. Heartless selektions. Gas chambers!…

Tickling the Dragon

Look Who’s Back! Constantin Film. 116 minutes He/it is the most-delicate subject in Germany, perhaps even the world, at least since the time he was alive (1889-1945). This is more-so in Germany, the country whose government he controlled in the last 12 years of his life, than anywhere else. In Germany, many (dozens?) are in…

To Kill a Taboo

Spotlight. Open Road Films, 2015, 129 mins. The eternal enemy of truth—and history—is taboo. Taboo is the enveloping social process by which knowledge is contained by suppressing its expression. First among those subjected to taboo are the direct witnesses to the knowledge, and first among these are those who have suffered from it but survived…

A Connoisseur of Conquerors

The Normandy Diary of Marie-Louise Osmont. George L. Newman (translator). Random House, New York, 1994, 113 pp. In 1940, the widow Marie-Louise Osmont owned and lived in a manoir in Périers-sur-le-Dan in Normandy, France, and experienced the invasion and occupation by Germany’s Wehrmacht up-close and personally:  troops encamped on her grounds and officers were bivouacked…

Debating, Round 2: Maintaining Balance

Debating the Holocaust, 2nd edition, by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D., Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK, 2015, 323 pp. Inconvenient History carried a review of the first edition of Thomas Dalton’s Debating the Holocaust. The second edition has now been published, and the mask is down: Dr. Dalton admits—professes, in fact—that he is, indeed, a Holocaust revisionist,…

The Tyranny of Silence, Demonstrated

This book’s author, a Danish journalist now 57 years old despite the many death threats he has received, was catapulted to fame, to his great surprise, after the publication by his employer of a group of cartoons depicting Islam’s central prophet Mohammed in a number of unflattering, even risible poses. The international kerfuffle that ensued…

Revisionism 101

Breaking the Spell. The Holocaust: Myth and Reality. Nicholas Kollerstrom. Castle Hill Publishers, Uckfield, UK,[1] 2014. 256 pp., including index. Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, recently of University College London, is a 21st-century Holocaust victim—perhaps a Holocaust survivor, in that he is alive today and, in respects other than professional, passably well. Of course, he is not…

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