Author: Tom Moran

An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism

Even if ten thousand museums, ten thousand "survivor" eyewitness testimonies, ten thousand TV documentaries, ten thousand Hollywood movies and ten thousand newspaper and magazine articles – it cannot make a lie the truth. Holocaust evidence Most persons might think that the Holocaust story is founded on solid, rock hard evidence. Something like we might expect…

Holocaust standards

Here's an account of the standards of proof that some two million (2,000,000) persons were murdered. Not too far into the reading we find that the focus is on Jewish victims. Military Tribunal II – Case 9(pages 1-54) The United States of America – vs – OTTO OHLENDORF, HEINZ JOST, ERICH NAUMANN, OTTO RASCH,…

Holocau$t summary

Ten thousand museums, ten thousand “survivor” eyewitness testimonies, ten thousand TV documentaries, ten thousand Hollywood movies and ten thousand newspaper and magazine articles would not make a lie a truth. Holocaust evidence Most persons might think that the Holocaust story is founded on solid, rock hard evidence. Something like we might expect to find established…

Belzec/Kola – Going to Extremes to Sell the Lie

BELZEC: The Nazi Camp For Jews In The Light Of Archaeological Sources. Excavations 1997-1998, by Andrezej Kola This book appears to be the ultimate culmination to the gradual appearance of accounts that reported on alleged archaeological studies done at the alleged mass extermination camp Belzec between 1997 and 1999. The book is written by Andrezej…

Convergence of Nonsense

Here are some of the constituents that make up the “convergence of evidence” which the Holocaust community offers as verifying the Holocaust story. W A R N I N G: The organization “Anti-Defamation League” (ADL) has declared it “anti-Semitic”/”hateful behavior” to disbelieve in any of these details alleged to have been committed by the German…

The Dictionary of Neo-Paleo Deholocaustolithification, Revised

Inspired by the incredible verbal dances of the past half century in support of the insupportable. Includes the never before compiled self-evident- Evil-Nazi-Ordinary-Blonde-Beasts'-Secret-Code-Words of WWII legend. de-ho-lo-caust-o-lith-i-fi-ca-tion – n. The art of comparing and making a point about whopping big infallible Holocaust facts that were once written in stone to different infallible Holocaust facts that…

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