Author: Hadding Scott

Hadding Scott is a prolific American revisionist author.

Yad Vashem hosts a conference on “The Shoah and Jewish Identity”

Monday through Thursday this week Yad Vashem's International School for Holocaust Studies has been hosting a conference, attended by about 200 Jewish educators, titled: “The Shoah and Jewish Identity: Challenges in Jewish Education.” (J. Sharon, Jerusalem Post, 28 December 2016) The consensus is that the Holocaust is now an important part of the Jewish identity….

Norwegian Cartoon Fails to Respect Holocaust

The Norwegian public broadcasting network NRK has published a satirical cartoon that makes humorous and irreverent references to the Holocaust. This particular cartoon happens also to be the opener in the annual best-of collection from NRK's Satiriks. The topic of the cartoon is the difficulty that university students face in finding decent and affordable housing. Two white students and a…

Prominent Egyptian Journalist Rejects Six-Million Claim

A prominent and respected Egyptian journalist, Salah Montasser, wrote an article based on an interview with some unidentified critic of Holocaust propaganda, wherein it is stated that the number of Jews killed directly or indirectly by Hitler's government was much less than the claimed 6 million. The six-million claim was invented to counter the fame that…

Accidental Family Reunion at Yad Vashem

The Israeli Holocaust museum, Yad Vashem, compiles information about alleged victims of the Holocaust, with the obvious purpose of substantiating the alleged extent of mass-murder against Jews during the Second World War, but with the paradoxical result that some people presumed killed in the Holocaust turn out not to have been killed. Such an instance came to…

Deborah Lipstadt, Lost in the Age of Internet

Early Holocaust Revisionists: Freedman, Hoggan, Barnes, and Rassinier   The Defenders of the Holocaust Faith have been outspoken about politics recently. On 14 November Deborah Lipstadt told Politico that she was “flabbergasted” and “almost at a loss for words” because of the appointment of Steve Bannon as Donald Trump's chief advisor, given Bannon's association with…

Alternative Information Forbidden in France

In August 2014 Professor Robert Faurisson was interviewed by Tépa (real name Patrick d'Hondt, a native of Réunion) for Meta TV, a web-site that calls itself "France's first free and independent media of alternative information." On 23 November 2016 in Paris, a criminal prosecution of Faurisson and his interviewer, because of statements made during the interview, concluded with…

Faurisson Convicted of Racial Defamation

On 27 September 2016, Robert Faurisson, emeritus professor of literature at the University of Lyon, was prosecuted before the XVIIth correctional chamber of the High Court of Paris for three alleged crimes: two counts of “disputing crimes against humanity” and one count of “racial defamation” (diffamation raciale). The two charges of disputing crimes against humanity…

Insurgent Politicians and their Unbeliever Friends

The situation with political parties in Britain seems to be very similar to that in the United States, the two largest parties having been dominated by a clique that favors globalism and unnecessary Middle-East wars, contrary to the interests of the majority of voters in those countries. As these impositions have become ever more noxious, voters,…

David Irving is not the Embodiment of Holocaust Revisionism

The ultimate purpose of the film Denial, about David Irving's failed libel-suit against Penguin Books and Deborah Lipstadt in 2000, is not to pound David Irving even farther into the dust – although it may do that – but to discredit Holocaust Revisionism: hence the film's title is not Irving, but Denial. To attack Holocaust Revisionism through the…

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