Author: Carlos Whitlock Porter

An American ex-patriate, skilled linguist and translator living in Belgium and author of a number of books and papers – like Not Guilty at Nuremberg, Made in Russia: The Holocaust – Porter was charged by the Germans in 1997 for denying the Holocaust. He refused to attend the trial, was tried in absentia and convicted. He responded with a defiant, blistering Emile Zola-like excoriating written counterattack to the judge in his case.

Arsch, bitte!

Document 343-USSR, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: All Soviet Prisoners of War Are to Be Tattooed for Identification Purposes. IMT Vol. 39, pp. 488-491 Document 343, OKW Decree, 20 July 1942: Photocopy of a mimeograph, certified by the Soviet prosecutors, in two parts. First page: 1 next to “Certified True Copy” at *; round stamp…

Some Hidden Legal Aspects of Concentration Camps

To the generations of people having grown up – like hot-house plants – in the suffocating atmosphere of Holocaust propaganda, it may come as a surprise to learn that concentration camps are not illegal, at least not under international law. There is nothing in international law prohibiting concentration camps, even today.[1] The following are a…

Outlaw History #26

I disagree with all these people who see gloom and doom for revisionism. The ONLY thing that's positive in the world today is that people like Bush have no credibility anymore, at least outside the US. The whole world realizes, now, at long last, that the Americans lie, that they commit atrocities, that the world…

Outlaw History #30

I don't quite recall using the phrase “sea of filth and lies” (Outlaw History #23). It was Reinhold Elstner who spoke of a “Niagara of filth and lies” before he burned himself to death at the Feldherrnhalle in Munich in April 1995. I wrote a protest letter to the Mayor of Munich for arresting people…

War Crimes Trials

Approximately 10,000 “War Crimes Trials” have been held since 1945. Trials of Japanese military personnel ended in 1949, yet “war crimes trials” of Germans and Eastern Europeans continue to date. Almost invariably, the charge is “violation of the laws and customs of war”, derived, in turn, from international conventions signed at the Hague in 1899…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Certified True CopyReference no. 8430 Cs 112 Js 11637/96 Mr. Carlos Whitlock PORTERNiveze Bas, no. 112,B-4845 SART LEZ SPA Belgium [stamp: Effective as of:Munich,Clerk of the Court] Born on 06.03.1947 in Pasadena/United States of America, stateless. Order of Punishment Inquiries of the State Prosecutor's Office have revealed the following: In August 1996, with intent to…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

Note: On 3 November, the defendant received a judgement from the State Court of Munich dated 23 October 1997 acknowledging receipt of the defendant's demands for evidence and for clarification of the charges against him, accompanied by his express refusal to appear, but without comment. [Excerpts] …The subpoena was then delivered to the defendant on…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

What would happen in an American criminal court if you asked for a new trial date on the grounds that you had previously been unable to appear due to radiation burns suffered while experimenting with an atomic bomb? If you were on trial for murder, a psychiatric examination would most certainly be ordered. In any…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter

On 5 December 1997, the court rejected the defendant's defence of justified absence due to pedal-driven brain-bashing machine induced injuries, partly on the grounds that he had failed to specify the exact date of his injury! How stupid can you get? He was given one week in which to object, in German. Translation of Judgment…

The German Court vs. Carlos Porter�

Mail-Order Justice: Punishment First, Trial Afterwards Reply to Lower District Court Subpoena – Revisionism Translation of Judgement: Revisonism, Failure toAppear Opinion of German Defence Attorney Answer to Subpoena of May 22, 1997 Replies to Subpoena of 22 August 1997 Replies to Court Judgement of 23 October 1997 Holocaust Museum of Stupidity – Now Opening at…

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