Author: Jett Rucker

Jett Rucker is a pen name of Norbert Joseph Potts.

ADL Outs another False-Flag Attack

By Jett Rucker- Abe Foxman, venerable head of the Anti-Defamation League, hasn't exposed many false-flag attacks during his long career, but a peculiar echo of the Holocaust in eastern Ukraine has drawn just such a reaction from him. It's Byzantine. As this article details, Jews exiting a synagogue in Donetsk this Pesach just past were…

Blood Libels, Gas Libels And the Difference between Them

For much of recent history much has been written, and read, of the “blood libel” on the Jewish people spread among the populaces of Europe and the countries elsewhere populated by Europeans. The story has countless variants, most of them involving the abduction of non-Jewish babies for ritual slaughter in which some use or other…

A “Real” World War II Death Camp: Oak Ridge, USA

The industrial complex erected by the German government on a Polish army base at Auschwitz (now Oświęcim, Poland) has long been labelled a “death camp” on the strength of the great numbers of people forcibly sent there as part of extensive ethnic-cleansing programs and as laborers, as World War II threatened the German homeland. Aside…

Perfect Revisionism: The Vinland Map

Until very recently, a map clearly predating Columbus’s first voyage of discovery was widely considered evidence that Norsemen had “discovered” North America first. In fact, at the time it came to light (that is, onto the market), it constituted the best, if not the only evidence of this notion; discovery and dating of Norse settlements…

102 Years of American Satrapy

Thomas Dalton’s article in this issue, “The Jewish Hand in the World Wars,” details successes of small groups of influential Jews in gaining control of the governmental apparatus in many countries, including notional democracies such as the United States. The process seems for the first time to have become visible in the record by the…

The Impotence of Force

The prospect of American military intervention in the Syrian imbroglio dominated global news through most of this September past. As the situation festered, it appeared that the Obama administration had in mind to fire a number of its super-accurate missiles into Syrian territory to “punish” the forces—said to be the legacy government of Syria—that had…

Why They Said There Were Gas Chambers—or, Sing for Your Life!

They all said it, didn’t they? Or all of those testifying under oath anyway, no? Or nobody said there weren’t any, did they? Certainly not under oath, eh? The weight of testimonial evidence in support of the existence and use of gas chambers in German wartime concentration camps seems to be as overwhelming as it…

Uncle Sam, May I?

The US elections this past November 6 were dominated by a close presidential race whose partisans, if not the candidates themselves, seemed to entertain mutually hostile visions of how government should proceed into the future. As is the American custom, however, myriad issues and candidates went before the electorate under the guise of “local” issues…

Revisionism’s Final Victories

Perhaps France fell first, in 1991, with its loi Gayssot. Then (or slightly before) fell Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Belgium, not necessarily in that order. All these countries, and of course Israel, have capitulated to historical revisionism in the most abjectly desperate manner imaginable: they now officially, with laws, threaten people who express certain views of…

The Clash of the Nobelists

Nobel-Prize-winning German writer Günter Grass sent shock waves through the international community when, on April 4, he published a poem in the Süddeutsche Zeitung titled “What Must Be Said.” In that poem, for his first time, he voiced his deep concerns about the fact that his country was supplying to Israel, a nuclear power, submarines…

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