Author: Jett Rucker

Jett Rucker is a pen name of Norbert Joseph Potts.

Noted International Expert Grabs Holocaust Speech Gag by the Horns

Jacob Mchangama, Danish lawyer and historian of free speech and its abridgement by Jacob Mchangama governments today, has finally called the beast by its name. In the October 3 edition of Foreign Policy, his distinguished byline appears under the title “First They Came for the Holocaust Deniers, and I Did Not Speak Out.” As a…

Denial: To the Victor Go the Spoils

The movie proving the Holocaust, in a court of law, hit the big screen on September 30, misrepresenting the 2000 libel suit brought by David Irving against Deborah Lipstadt, author of a book, Denying History, in which she accused Irving of many things he had not done, including, most-notably, Holocaust Denial. Irving, of course, lost,…

Bellicose Victimhood

What’s the difference between hate and bigotry? Well, hate is[*] an intense disaffection for a person, a group of persons, or even an idea or ethic, usually one putatively entertained by such a person or group of persons. Bigotry, on the other hand, a handmaiden, perhaps even a child, of hate, is an obdurate refusal…

Is It about the Holocaust … Yet?

The charge of “Holocaust denigration” has arisen in a telling place: the comments thread following this article on the freedom-of-speech Web site Sp!ked, titled “First They Came for Gawker, and I Did Not Speak Out.” Children at Auschwitz, 1945 The article had nothing whatsoever to do with the Holocaust, or Nazis, or World War II…

Freedom of Speech Raises Its Ugly Head

A high-profile dissenter in Germany had been convicted under that country’s vigorously enforced laws against “popular incitement” for publicly disputing various allegations within the Holocaust narrative, and the identity and motivations of those who defend that narrative. Hans Püschel, who had been the elected mayor of his village of Krauschwitz, pulled no punches on his…

Never Was So Much …

Speaking of British fighter pilots opposing German bombing campaigns over Britain during World War II, Winston Churchill famously declaimed, “Never was so much owed by so many to so few,” counterfactually alleging that the bombing would have been much worse had not the Royal Air Force deployed Spitfires and the like to harry the Luftwaffe’s…

Canadian Broadcasting Company Spreads the Word

A music teacher and would-be Green Party candidate in recent elections who lives in Alberta put up a five-minute video on YouTube that explains how, through the relentless promotion/enforcement of the Big Lie, she faced anti-German discrimination through her childhood and even, as any thoughtful child might do, confronted her parents about how they, immigrants…

The Holocaust Taboo as Prohibition

Prohibition is force imposed by superior agents on an action such as possessing drugs or expressing thoughts. More-strictly, it is legal force such as that imposed on persons possessing cocaine, or expressing doubts about certain institutions of official history, such as the Holocaust, in most of the countries of Europe. Prohibition is so widespread geographically…

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