Author: Fredrick Töben

German in origin, Dr. Fredrick Töben was raised in Australia as an Australian citizen, and speaks both English and German. Becoming interested in exonerating the German people from the anti-German racism of the Holocaust legend, he at first edited a revisionist journal called Truth Missions, which was later renamed Adelaide Institute Newsletter. He then broadened out to establish Australia's revisionist website, Adelaide Institute. He has personally visited the site of Auschwitz and burrowed under the ruins of the alleged gas chamber, being unable to find the four holes in the roof which were supposedly used to throw in gas pellets. He conducted regular dialogue with Exterminationists. Töben was arrested during an April 1999 visit with Prosecutor Klein in Mannheim, Germany, for a private discussion on the Holocaust laws in Germany, which make it mandatory to accept the entire Holocaust story. He was subsequently sentenced to 9 months imprisonment.

Fredrick Toben, Interview with Jim Rizoli, November 2015

A investigation by International Revisionist Video Productions (Copyright 2004) Into the accepted historical account of the Holocaust of European Jews during World War II.

Human Rights, the Holocaust-Shoah and Historical Truth

Fredrick Toben Arrested at Heathrow for Historical Opinions

Fredrick Toben Arrested at Heathrow for Historical Opinions.

Fredrick Toben Has Died

Fredrick Toben Has Died. In June 2020, Fredrick Toben, an Australia revisionist died aged 76.

He was the leader of the Adelaide Institute, which led the revisionist struggle against the Holocaust Hate Campaign.Like many revisionists, he found himself smeared, traduced, and sentenced to jail sentences for rebutting Holocaust hate propaganda.

In this 25 minute clip, Jim Rizoli, and Fred Leuchter, execution technology expert discuss the life and Frederick Toben.

The Persecution of Revisionists The Holocaust Unveiled By Mark Farrel 2006

The Persecution of Revisionists, the "Holocaust" Unveiled, 2006 (1 hour and 11 minutes).

Holocaust History - Dr.Frederick Toben (2003) (1:12:45 Hrs)

In this superb video (1 hour and 12 minutes) produced in 2003, Doctor Fredrick Töben talks at length about his research of over 30 years into the “holocaust” hate propaganda lie. He dedicated this video to Ernst Zündel, and other men and women who suffered in their attempts to reveal the truth about the holocaust hate propaganda. Doctor Fredrick Töben states that the “holocaust” legend is simply cruel wartime propaganda. This view is based on his intensive study of the facts. 

Ernst Zundel Converses with Dr. Fredrick Toben 1997 (1 hr:43 min)

Ernst Zundel of Canada converses with Dr. Fredrick Toben of Australia in 1997.

Memorabilia: Fredrick Toben Portrait of a Philosopher (1997)

Ernst Zundel interviews Australian Revisionist Fredrick Toben.

Judea Declares War On Germany by Dr. Fredrick Toben

Judea Declares War On Germany by Dr. Fredrick Toben

Ernst Zundel in Conversation with Dr Fredrick Toben

Great conversation of two mighty Holocau$t revisionists Ernst Zundel and Fredrick Toben.

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An exchange between Dr. Fredrick Toben and Jamie McCarthy

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