Author: John Wear

John Wear was born July 11, 1953 in Houston, Texas. John graduated with a degree in accounting from Southern Methodist University in May 1974 and passed the CPA exam later that year. He graduated from the University of Texas Law School in December 1977 and passed the Texas bar in February 1978. John, who is currently retired, worked most of his career as a CPA.

John Wear is the author of the book Germany's War: The Origins, Aftermath and Atrocities of World War II. This book is published by American Free Press and is also sold by The Barnes Review (TBR). John is also on the Board of Contributing Editors of TBR and has had many articles published by TBR. His work has been highly praised by Willis Carto, Paul Angel, John Tiffany and many others.

The Chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau

Defenders of the Holocaust story have attempted to discredit scientific reports which disprove the existence of homicidal gas chambers at German camps during World War II. For example, Deborah Lipstadt’s defense attorney, Richard Rampton, referred in court to The Leuchter Report as “…a piece of so-called research which is not worth the paper it is…

Evidence for the German Euthanasia Program Compared to the Holocaust

Abstract I have been asked the question: Why do you think the German euthanasia program happened during World War II, but not the Holocaust? This article will show that the evidence for the German euthanasia program is overwhelming, while the evidence to support the Holocaust story is severely lacking. Written Order In August 1939, Hitler…

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