Author: Richard A. Widmann

Richard A. Widmann, together with David Thomas, created modern CODOH as we know it, when he talked Bradley Smith into creating what was then called CODOHWeb, CODOH's online presence in 1995/1996. In 1999, Richard Widmann was among the team that launched and ran the revisionist periodical The Revisionist, until it was taken over by Germar Rudolf in 2003. When this project collapsed in 2005 with Rudolf's arrested, deportation and 44-months imprisonment, Richard Widmann, after some hesitation, created a new revisionist periodical in 2009 called Inconvenient History, which he issued until 2017, when it was once more taken over by Germar Rudolf.

The Censorship of Inconvenient History

By Richard Widmann- The team here at Inconvenient History has just learned that our Print on Demand publisher will no longer print or distribute our Annual editions.  The “Questionable Content Team” at Lulu has informed us that our content and in fact all revisionist writing is “illegal and anti-constitutional” in France and Germany —…

The Ronald Reagan Holocaust hoax

By Richard Widmann- This morning I found several emails asking and discussing whether a recently posted YouTube video of Ronald Reagan was real. Following the links, I found a short 9 second video of Reagan supposedly questioning the six million Holocaust story.  In the short excerpt Reagan says, “I challenge your history again. There is…

Now Available Inconvenient History Hardbound Annual Vol. II

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 2 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book contains 598 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 2 contains all the content from our 4 issues from 2010. You will receive a…

Two Cutting-Edge Works of Holocaust Revisionism

Reviewed by Arthur R. Butz 4 September 2011. Samuel Crowell; The Gas Chamber of Sherlock Holmes, and Other Writings on the Holocaust, Revisionism, and Historical Understanding; Nine-Banded Books, PO Box 1862, Charleston, WV 25327 (; 2011, 401 pp. Carlo Mattogno; Auschwitz: The Case for Sanity, two vols.; The Barnes Review, PO Box 15877, Washington, DC…

One State with Equal Rights of Citizenship for All

By Daniel McGowan-Professor Emeritus, Hobart and William Smith CollegesExecutive Director, Deir Yassin Remembered The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the views of, nor should they be attributed to, these institutions. Although it is the 150th anniversary of our Civil War (April 1861), ostensibly fought to ensure…

Inconvenient History 2009 Hardbound Annual now available!

By History Behind Bars- The hardbound edition of Inconvenient History Volume 1 is finally available. This beautiful hardbound book is 296 pages of hard-hitting revisionist scholarship revealing the truth on several inconvenient moments in our recent history. Inconvenient History Volume 1, contains all the content from our 3 issues from 2009. You will receive a…

Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe, by David Irving

Banged Up: Survival as a Political Prisoner in 21st Century Europe by David Irving Focal Point Publications, Windsor, England, 2008. 146pp., illustrated, with notes, indexed. Banged Up is David Irving’s autobiographical account of his arrest and 400 days of solitary confinement in an Austrian prison for having presented what amounted to inconvenient history at a…

Learning Nothing from the Past

By Richard A. Widmann- In stark opposition to George Santayana’s now clichéd quote about learning from history, revisionist pioneer Harry Barnes in his  History and Social Intelligence  boldly noted that he did “not accept the view that history can in many cases be directly useful to the present generation through the discovery of alleged specific…

David Irving’s Website Attacked

By Richard A. Widmann- News this morning tells of hackers who broke into David Irving's Website(s) and internet accounts. They apparently stole private information including ID's and passwords and even bank account information. They took mailing lists and destroyed content on his Website. This same group, or an associated group also sought to have events…

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