Bradley Smith’s Website is Shut Down
ThoughtCrime: 07/04/96
“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”
George Orwell
As the first seconds of July 4, 1996 ticked away, the Bradley R. Smith / CODOH (Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust) website was shut down from the World Wide Web. The Bradley R. Smith Website was dedicated to the cause of Free Speech and especially encouraged open debate on the topic of the Holocaust.
Bradley R. Smith had received uninterrupted service from Valleynet Communications, his web provider. Valleynet was recently purchased by a larger company, ProtoSource Corporation. For various reasons the Valleynet name was being dropped and changed to ProtoSource Network. On the morning of July 4th, ProtoSource Network shut down the Bradley Smith Website and discontinued Smith's email account without notice or explanation. ProtoSource Network's homepage can be accessed at
The Bradley R. Smith website had been instrumental in battling censorship of politically incorrect ideas. The website ran a large Censorship page which featured numerous articles on the topic of Internet Censorship. The website was part of the Internet's Blue Ribbon Free Speech Campaign. The website also featured the unique ThoughtCrimes Archive which documented persecution and hate crimes directed against historical revisionists.
The Website received national attention recently by combatting censorship in the United States by posting the introduction to British historian, David Irving's controversial volume, Goebbels: Mastermind of the Third Reich. The publication of this volume was cancelled by St. Martin's Press after having received numerous threats.
Bradley Smith was also instrumental in making Roger Garaudy's maligned volume, The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics available for all to read in its original French and the first English translation. The Bradley R. Smith website had just begun the posting of this important work in English, the only place in the world where this translation was available. Garaudy is currently under investigation in France for having written this volume.
The latest project to combat international censorship was the posting of Grundlagen zur Zeitgeschichte (Engl. translation: Dissecting the Holocaust). Grundlagen is a collaboration by the world's leading revisionists featuring scientific documentation which casts doubt on the traditional holocaust story. The editor of this volume was sentenced to 15 months imprisonment in Germany and a judge recently ruled (June 6, 1996) that all copies of this book be burned.
Bradley Smith has been a long time advocate of free speech. In 1960-61 he was arrested and convicted for selling Henry Miller's Topic of Cancer.
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