Brother Nathanael Notes from a Gas Chamber
By Brother Nathanael Kapner ∙ October 25, 2020
Brother Nathanael Notes from a Gas Chamber is the title on this short video. Elie Wisel, the ADL and other are being explored by Brother Nathanael.
Brother Nathanael, a convert to Christianity, knows full the activities of Jews, he was one himself. Here, in his usual unique style, he talks about "gas chambers".
Brother Nathanael Kapner, whose birth name is Milton Kapner but is more commonly known as Brother Nathanael, is a self-proclaimed "monastic with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia (ROCOR)". He has a staunch anti-Jewish stance and has a following on the internet via The Brother Nathanael Foundation and Real Jew News. He used to have a YouTube channel, but that was eventually banned.
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