About Revisionism and Historiography

On the reasons and goals of revising historical narratives, on Revisionism as a “movement,” covering topics such as its history and objectives, and on the techniques and politics of writing about history in general.

On Conservatism, Liberalism, and History

(This sampling of Prof. Oliver's writing is taken from America's Decline, pages 1-4, 79-83, 182-183, 187-189, 190-191 and 212-213.) Conservatism Conservatism, when that word was first used in a political sense, correctly implied the maintenance of existing governmental and social institutions and their preservation from all undesirable innovation and substantial change. In Europe and the…

The Third Reich’s Place in History

Throwing Off Germany’s Imposed History Ian Warren is the pen name of a professor who teaches at a university in the Midwest. Although Prof. Nolte did not originally understand that this interview was to appear in the Journal, he assented to publication after reviewing the complete text. Some thirteen years ago, a leading figure of…

Two Biographical Works Examine the Life of a Great British Historian and Military Thinker

“Boney” Fuller: Soldier, Strategist, and Writer, by Anthony John Trythall. Baltimore: The Nautical & Aviation Publishing Company of America, 1989. Hardcover. 314 pages. Illustrations. Notes. Index. $24.95. ISBN 0-933852-98-3. J.F.C. Fuller: Military Thinker, by Brian Holden Reid. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1990. Softcover. 283 pages. Notes. Bibliography. Index. $19.95. ISBN 0-312-04208-6. James Alexander is…

Living History

What am I? I've been called everything from an extreme liberal to an ultra-conservative. I am neither. I have been labeled a “Nazi” because of my numerous interviews with Hitler's adjutants, secretaries, doctors, and military leaders, both SS and Wehrmacht. I loved the remark the Soviets made in 1976 about me being “the leading Western…

Plato’s Dialectic v. Hegel and Marx: An Evaluation of Five Revolutions

The main source of Plato's dialectic was of course the legendary Socrates, who, because he left no literary written legacy, has become a largely legendary figure like Jesus. For a record of Socrates the popular soldier one reads Xenophon. An insight into Socrates the sophist, who believed in the old Sumerian pedagogical adage that a…

Charles A. Beard: A Tribute

I Charles A. Beard was born on 27 November 1874 in Knightstown, Indiana, a small farming community about 35 miles east of Indianapolis. He was the son of a prosperous farmer, and a member of a family in which the intelligent discussion of public affairs was a tradition. When only eighteen years old, Beard's father…

Scientists against Science

I am a Swede, born in 1919 in Finland, and I spent my childhood and adolescence in a couple of small towns within the Swedish speaking belt along the Gulf of Finland. As a member of a somewhat pushed-aside minority I soon realized the importance of legal rights for every individual in a community. I…

The Ronald Reagan Holocaust hoax

By Richard Widmann- This morning I found several emails asking and discussing whether a recently posted YouTube video of Ronald Reagan was real. Following the links, I found a short 9 second video of Reagan supposedly questioning the six million Holocaust story.  In the short excerpt Reagan says, “I challenge your history again. There is…

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