Memorabilia: Bradley Smith and David Cole on the Donahue Show
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By Bradley R. Smith, David Cole, DenierBud ∙ March 6, 2017
The YouTube video originally linked to here was deleted in 2019. Go here instead:
By David Irving, Christopher Hitchens ∙ March 4, 2017
An interesting debate, this is part two of two, in which Christopher Hitchens defends the right of free speech and free inquiry regarding David Irving´s publications.
By Christopher Hitchens ∙ March 3, 2017
An interesting debate, this is only part one, in which Christopher Hitchens defends the right of free speech and free inquiry with regard Daving Irving´s publications.
By Vincent Reynouard ∙ February 25, 2017
Next year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London, near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks: 1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka,…
By Mark Weber, David Cole ∙ February 24, 2017
This video from the 1990's is only memorabilia of what used to be able to be discussed on mainstream media. David Cole and Mark Weber appear on the Montel Williams Show to debate certain issues and various interesting unaddressed questions relating to the claims made about the Holocaust.
By Vincent Reynouard ∙ February 12, 2017
Through an anonymus email, a Jewish viewer accuses Vincent Reynouard of provoking anti-Semitism and promises him prison … In this video, Reynouard explains why always crying "anti-Semitism" (which remains the principal strategy of the liar unmasked) risks leading the Jewish people into the abyss …
By Fred A. Leuchter, Jim Rizoli ∙ February 10, 2017
Jim Rizoli goes over the famous Leuchter Report on the impossibilities of there being homicidal gas chambers in the camps during the so called Holocaust.
By Germar Rudolf ∙ August 5, 2016
Germar Rudolf talks about the process that led him to question the orthodox Holocaust narrative in his mid-20s, while preparing an expert report on the chemical and technical questions of the alleged gas chambers of Auschwitz and Birkenau for the trial of a Holocaust “denier.” On this radio interview he also discusses the longstanding, brutal…
By Germar Rudolf ∙ June 7, 2016
In this video, expert Chemist Germar Rudolf, talks about the explosiveness of Zyklon B and reviews older data, hoping to give enough information on this matter so confusion on this topic is finally ended.
By Germar Rudolf, James H. Fetzer ∙ May 11, 2016
On May 9, 2016, Dr. James Fetzer, retired professor of philosophy of science (until 2006 at the University of Minnesota, Duluth), hosted Germar Rudolf during Episode 198 of his internet broadcast series The Real Deal. Rudolf presented a two-hour slideshow giving an overview of the recently released study "CURATED LIES: The Auschwitz Museum's Misrepresentations & Deceptions" by…
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