
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Holohoax in Treblinka Using Science to Debunk The Holocaust (3:16 min)

This (3 minute) video shows that an Australian team visited Treblinka, using ground penetrating radar, core samples, to ascertain if 900,000 Jews had been gassed by CO gas (!) (from Diesel Engines) then buried in mass pits, and then exhumed by a German detachment, and burnt to ash. After three weeks, the Australian team had found…

Israeli NGO Bringing Afghan Migrants to USA but not to Israel (4:17 min)

Israeli NGO Bringing Afghan Migrants to USA but not to Israel One thing that happens today. Non-Jews are not allowed to settle in Israel. Don't let all that talk about "Russian" billionaires moving their money to Israel and then settling there, fool you, they are Jewish. Instead, Jewish supremacists are moving migrants to America. So…

When Adolf Hitler Declared War on Modern Art (6:50 min)

When Adolf Hitler Declared War on Modern Art. When Adolf Hitler, who was himself a talented artist. was in his early stages coming to power, Communists dominated "art" circles in the Third Reich. The pictures of these leftists, can only be described as awful rubblish posing as art. Gross and disgusting pictures from these leftist "artists" are…

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher (4:29 min)

Holohoax Tales Escaped the Last Train to Auschwitz by Laying on a Stretcher. After the end of the war against Germany, Jews had to explain that in this mass "gassing" genocide organised by the most efficient people on Earth, that they had survived. Here, another yarn….

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony (13:46 min)

Auschwitz Swimming Pool and Other Testimony. In this (13 minute) video, we look at the Swimming Pool at Auschwitz main camp. The camp was a "death" camp according to the "Holocau$t" atrocity liars where thousands of Jews were "gassed" and then cremated. The video also looks at the accounts of Jews talking about the various facilities…

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