
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

White Woman Under Attack Oct 19 2021 (1:18:23)

The "Holocau$t" is a disturbing (mostly) Communist propaganda lie. One has only to examine to find it is a mismash, of lying Communist Cheka (Committees) reports, witlesses reporting technical impossibilities, or Germans confessing to non-existant camps and scientific nonsense. Code words abound, and even Himmler cannot write to Hitler without using "coded" language. And there's…

The Enigma of the Führer by Léon Degrelle (31:45 min)

In this superb video (31 minutes) we hear about the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, from an individual prominent in the National Socialist cause. Leon Degrelle was born in Belgium in 1906. Brought up a Catholic in the Walloon (French speaking) area of Belgium, he was heavily involved in Catholic activities. In the 1930s, he transformed a Catholic…

Holohoax Tales Fooled Mengele by Wearing a Big Hat (3:27 Secs)

Holohoax Tales Fooled Mengele by  Wearing a Big Hat. Here a Holocau$t witless says that she saw Doctor Josef Mengele on the ramp at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was a proper medical man, good looking and very smart. He decided whether you should go to the right (life) or left (gas chamber), and by the way the Germans took…

Holohoax Tales Nazis Put Bricks in Our Food Parcels (1:44 Secs)

Holohoax Tales Nazis Put Bricks in Our Food Parcels. A Jewish "survivor" of a death camp says that they were allowed to recieve parcels, (food & clothing) from the countries they had been transported from. Here he says that his mother received a parcel, but at the bottom was two bricks. Here he accuses the SS…

WORLD WAR 2 TRUTH Holocaust by Bullets Hoax John Wear Oct 4 2021 (29:39 min)

WORLD WAR 2 TRUTH Holocaust by Bullets Hoax John Wear  Oct 4 2021. Jim Rizoli of looks (29 minutes) at a very interesting website ( Here he reviews an article by John Wear (JW) entitled "Holocaust by Bullets". JW reviews the activities of four Action Groups (Einsatzgruppen) on the eastern front. [Note: There were four Action…

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