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Holohoax Tales Collapsed on Death March Licked Snow on a Corpse Spotted his own Shoes

We are continuely told that the Germans didn't care about the Jewish internees. Yet, this internee states he went to "sick bay", at a "death" camp, before going on a "death" march. Source:Youtube: NSW JBDApr 28, 2014Jerry Rind, a survivor of the Holocaust, Terezin and the Death Marches  

Michele Renouf David Duke on the Heretical Two Revisionists Deported and Jailed 2009

The beautiful and highly intelligent Lady Michèle Renouf speaks to David Duke about Simon Sheppard and Steve Whittle, known as the Heretical Two, Britain's two asylum seekers, who are at present sitting in the Santa Ana Jail near Los Angeles USA awaiting their case of political asylum to be decided on. The arrest was on…

David Irving Rommel (Part 2 of 2)

In this 22 minute video, the brilliant revisionist writer and researcher David Irving, continues his superb narration of the “Desert Fox”, Field Marshall Erwin Rommel. David continues the story from (Part 1) where Rommel is preparing the German forces in France to resist the Allied invasion. David relates how Rommel was told by Hitler that…

Holocaust Propaganda as Pro-Immigration Brainwashing for Kids

In this short video clip (2 minutes) a example is shown how the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propaganda is used by Zionist groups to promote their multi-racial agenda. Here, the ‘Holocaust Education Awareness & Remembrance’, a Zionist front, gets pupils from Charleston to plant daffodils, to 'remember' Jewish children who died in the “Holocaust”. The usual…

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