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93 Year Old Sentenced for Working at Concentration Camp When He was 17

Another sham court case against an elderly German while real Allied war criminals are treated as heroes. Luckily his two-year sentence was suspended. Source: Youtube: DW News Jul 23, 2020 Germany convicts former Nazi concentration camp guard Bruno D. | DW News

75th Anniversary of Hiroshima Holocaust USA Suppressed Footage of Aftermath

Greg Mitchell, author of 'The Atomic Cover-up' describes how US occupiers of Japan suppressed footage of the aftermath of the Hiroshima bombing. Source:Youtube: American History TV C-SPANAug 4, 2020Reel America: 75th Anniversary of Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Holohoax Tales Elie Wiesel was Liberated from Multiple Concentration Camps

CODOH founder Bradley Smith talks about Nobel prize-winning Holocaust propagandist Elie Wiesel and his contradictory claims that he was liberated from multiple concentration camps. Brad cites facts that Wiesel said that he was in three camps (Dachau, Buchenwald and Auschwitz) at the time of his liberation.

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