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Robert Faurisson The Real Dangers of Gassing Operations

Robert Faurisson The Real Dangers of Gassing Operations. Professor Robert Faurison was an brilliant, highly educated and very intelligent individual who never let up in his efforts to expose the "Holocau$t" as a lie. He was physically assaulted several times, dragged through the courts on spurious charges, fined, and harrassed in many ways. Here he explains…

Revisionist Discussion – Alison Chabloz Charles Krafft Charles Lincoln (1:46:52)

Alison Chabloz, Charles Krafft and Charles Lincoln. 2019 Alison Chabloz (AC), the attractive, intelligent singer, Charles Krafft (CK), the brilliant artist, and Charles Lincoln (CL) discuss the "Holocau$t" atrocity lie in this video (One hour 46 minutes). Alison, Charles and Charles discuss numerous aspects of the Holocau$t. The London Agreement, which ratified the "findings" at…

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