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Dresden Survivor Victor Gregg Blames Churchill for War Crimes (8: 28 min)

British Dresden survivor Victor Gregg accepts no excuses for the Allies' 1945 bombing of Dresden. He blames Attlee and Churchill for this war crime. Victor Gregg (1920 – 2021) wrote (with Rick Stroud) a three volume memoir of which the last was Dresden: A Survivor's Story. He joined the army when he was 18, joining the Rifle…

Air-Photo Evidence

A presentation by John C. Ball, in which he examines the aerial-photographical evidence of the alleged Holocaust. Following the trial of Canadian Ernst Zündel in the 1980s, Mr. Ball, also a Canadian, decided to try to locate forensic evidence detailing what had occurred at these camps during the war. Due to the passage of time,…

Holohoax Tales – I Outsmarted Mengele by Killing My Own Child

Clip from the documentary: The Search for Mengele. 1985Director: Brian Moser Dr Josef Mengele was the chief medical officer at Auschwitz-Birkenau. He was a double Phd. He was a doctor and a researcher in genetics. He was awarded medals for bravery on the Eastern Front, where he was wounded. Unfit for front-line duty, he took…

The Great Holocaust Trial of 1985 (1:02:34)

A documentary about the Great Holocaust Trial of 1985. This video (one hour and two minutes)  depicts the great Holocau$t trial that took place inToronto, Canada in 1984. A Zionist had brought charges against Ernst Zundel, for printing information that rebutted the "holocau$t" atrocity lie, under an archaic law against "false news". The video consists…

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