
What influence is exercised on a society, when its children, from a very young age, are constantly bombarded with atrocity stories in books, documentaries and movies, depicting certain ethnic groups as diabolically evil perpetrators, and another as composed of innocent victims deserving all the compassion we can muster? Depicting history and the world in unrealistic black and white patterns must deform a society. Papers listed here address this issue.

Tackling Zionism’s and Judaism’s Sword and Shield

Presentation delivered on June 30, 2024, at the First J[ewish]P[problem] Conference in Kentucky. Download this video here by right-clicking on this link, then pick “Save Link As…”. Download this presentation’s transcript here. Download this presentation’s subtitle file here. This video has also been posted in numerous version on BitChute and Rumble:…

Humane Homicide

“How often, when a fire breaks out, do you hear the words: ‘Thank God, now people have something to do again.’ I know a good remedy. You set fire to a city, you set fire to the empire, and everything swims in money and prosperity. Make furniture that you can burn down after three years…

E. Michael Jones Takes on the Holocaust – Part One

Who is E. Michael Jones? Dr. E. Michael Jones, erstwhile professor of English at Saint Mary’s College in Indiana, is a very conservative Catholic who has written a number of books espousing a traditional Catholic perspective. He is a popular guest on interview shows in alternative media because of his strong, vividly expressed views. In…

This Strange Hesitation about Deporting Illegal Immigrants

A slightly revised version of this paper was broadcast on WBCQ, 6160kHz at 10PM and 7490kHz at 11PM New York Time on 15 November 2024. Download an mp3 file of this show here (right-click, and pick “Save Link As…” from context menu). All broadcasts and podcasts by Hadding Scott’s “Devil’s Advocate Radio” are also accessible…

Anti-Gentiles Deny the 5 Million!

Leading Jewish Holocaustians recently attacked President Donald Trump for issuing a statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day that did not specify that the victims were Jews. The result is that the public has been informed by Deborah Lipstadt that the Holocaust is by definition an exclusively Jewish matter, and by Yehuda Bauer that the old war propaganda…

The Holocaust’s Visit to Yad Vashem

A far left  Israeli Actress known for staging politically provocative plays caused a stir yet again on Tuesday when she posted a controversial monologue on YouTube which she performed in front of the memorial for the Warsaw Ghetto fighters at Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. A few weeks ago, the actress, Natali Cohen Vaxberg, arrived at…

Self-Hating Historiographer Dead at 77

Peter Novick, a (non-practicing) Jewish professor at the University of Chicago, wrote the ground-breaking (and earth-shaking) The Holocaust in American Life in 1999. With insight massively confirmed in the 13 years since its publication, Novick delineated how that group of events, imagined and real, now packaged under the rubric of "the Holocaust" acquired outsize influence…

The Non-Jewish Stake in the Holocaust Mythology

In the early 1980s, the late Revisionist scholar Dr. Charles Weber wrote a very important, but now largely forgotten, essay concerning the non-Jewish groups that promote and benefit from the Holocaust mythology. Weber noted that, although the Jewish-Zionist power elite is the predominant force behind the Holocaust ideology, they are not the only entity behind…

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