
What influence is exercised on a society, when its children, from a very young age, are constantly bombarded with atrocity stories in books, documentaries and movies, depicting certain ethnic groups as diabolically evil perpetrators, and another as composed of innocent victims deserving all the compassion we can muster? Depicting history and the world in unrealistic black and white patterns must deform a society. Papers listed here address this issue.

Trivializing the Holocaust?

The ADL trained their sites on another Holocaust outrage, claiming that a proposed New York art exhibit would trivialize the Holocaust. The offender this time is a German artist who planned to set up an exhibit at the Whitney Art Museum in New York featuring a room bedecked with red walls, on which quotes from…

The Force of Holocaust Reactionaries

A libel suit filed by the British historian David Irving against the American Jewish religious instructor Deborah Lipstadt is playing itself out in a London courtroom. The worldwide attention given the trial, which Lipstadt's defense attorneys have attempted to exploit, is not due to the nature of the libels alleged. Instead, the trial has gained…

The Holocaust on Television

While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust, Jeffrey Shandler, Oxford UP, 1999 Everyone knows at this point that the Holocaust has been promoted to such an extent that one can hardly turn around without running into Holocaust imagery of some kind. Any time there is a massacre anywhere, you can bet that some talking head will…

Asians Just Don't Get It

We in America are so used to having the Holocaust bulk large as the preeminent symbol of inhumanity that we tend to forget that there are about 5 billion people outside of the reach of Western Civilization who just don't see Twentieth Century history the way we do. Recent events in Asia demonstrate the culture…

Holocaust Holiday Proposed in Britain.

A team of government ministers and Jewish community leaders recommended in October that the British government designate a national “Holocaust Remembrance Day” to be celebrated on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. The purpose of such a memorial — it said — would be to prevent such a thing from being forgotten…

The Dictionary of Neo-Paleo Deholocaustolithification, Revised

Inspired by the incredible verbal dances of the past half century in support of the insupportable. Includes the never before compiled self-evident- Evil-Nazi-Ordinary-Blonde-Beasts'-Secret-Code-Words of WWII legend. de-ho-lo-caust-o-lith-i-fi-ca-tion – n. The art of comparing and making a point about whopping big infallible Holocaust facts that were once written in stone to different infallible Holocaust facts that…

Remembering the Martyrs of Romania

Good Morning from the Zundelsite! Every once in a while, I get reports from comrades in other countries, speaking with respect and admiration of the quiet but persistent work of a group of nationalist Romanians. I know that, on occasion, some of my ZGrams were translated and reprinted there, and one young man is sending…

Heirs: The Third Generation

LINCOLNWOOD, Ill., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire/ — Much has been written and researched about the Survivors of the Holocaust and the children of Survivors of the Holocaust. But what about the next generation — the grandchildren? Up until now, nothing has focused on grandchildren of Survivors of the Holocaust. Why? Some might say it is because…

Shtetl’s Romaniuk Visits Greenpoint

In Greenpoint, N.Y., on June 7, 1996, Zbigniew Romaniuk was the main speaker in a forum addressing issues raised by the PBS production of Shtetl. Very interesting facts were brought to light about the production. Within the discussion there was also presented an historical overview of Jewish anti-Polonism, but that topic is beyond the scope…

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