
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

The Significance of the Holocaust Revisionist Statements of President Ahmadinejad

Ambassador Javad Zarif Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations 622 3rd Ave., 34th Fl. New York, New York 10017 October 30, 2006 Dear Ambassador Javad Zarif, In reference to political Zionism and certain Western governments, President Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying: “They have fabricated a legend under the name…

The Irrational Vocabulary of the American Professorial Class with Regard to the Holocaust Question

Speech delivered at Tehran Holocaust Conference, 05 December 2006 Introduction Good afternoon (morning?). I'm very pleased to be here. Today I will suggest that the American professorial class uses an irrational vocabulary to respond to revisionist arguments questioning the orthodox Holocaust story. That the decision of the American professorial class to exploit this irrational vocabulary…

The Revisionist Clarion — Monthly Newsletter about Historical Revisionism and the Crisis of Imperial Powers — World Wars / Colonial Wars in the making / Future Wars

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Belgian Ex-Senator on Trial for Holocaust Revisionism

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Former Belgian senator, Roeland Raes was put on trial for “denying” the Holocaust. Raes, a leader in the Flemish nationalist party Vlaams Blok was interviewed on Dutch television. During the interview, he commented that Anne Frank's diary was not authentic and that the concentration camps were…

For Hossein Amiri

I have not yet met Hossein Amiri, who works at the Iranian press agency Mehr News, and have not read the manuscript of the book on the “Holocaust” and on revisionism that, as he tells me, he plans to have published soon by the Center for Palestine and Middle East Records and Strategic Studies (…

Christian Morality and Holocaust Revisionism

Recently, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, declared that Holocaust denial is tantamount to “sacrilege” after he issued a message of solidarity to Britain's Jewish community ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.[1] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” So, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor is saying…

Freedom of Speech and Holocaust Revisionism in Germany and Austria

In recent times four major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement have been arrested on “Holocaust denial” charges. German scientist Germar Rudolf and German revisionist activist Ernst Zundel were deported from the United States and will stand trial in Germany. Likewise with Siegfried Verbeke, as he was extradited from Belgium for trial in Germany. British…

Iranian President Ahmadinejad’s remarks on the Jewish “Holocaust”

December 18, 2005 Recently I was asked for my opinion on the recent remarks of Iran's President Ahmadinejad on the subject of the Jewish “Holocaust”. Here they are. I base my comments on the reports on these remarks that I have read in the Western press. In 1976 I published a book, entitled “The Hoax…

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