
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

Holocaust Holiday Proposed in Britain.

A team of government ministers and Jewish community leaders recommended in October that the British government designate a national “Holocaust Remembrance Day” to be celebrated on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp. The purpose of such a memorial — it said — would be to prevent such a thing from being forgotten…

The Dictionary of Neo-Paleo Deholocaustolithification, Revised

Inspired by the incredible verbal dances of the past half century in support of the insupportable. Includes the never before compiled self-evident- Evil-Nazi-Ordinary-Blonde-Beasts'-Secret-Code-Words of WWII legend. de-ho-lo-caust-o-lith-i-fi-ca-tion – n. The art of comparing and making a point about whopping big infallible Holocaust facts that were once written in stone to different infallible Holocaust facts that…

Auschwitz in the Shadow of the Cross

A rather remarkable international incident occurred in 1984 which would draw into question the entire issue of Auschwitz and victimization as the attention of the world became riveted on Poland, when a group of Carmelite nuns announced their decision to construct a convent on the grounds of the former concentration camp. The area chosen for…

The World as a Magical Gas Chamber

The aspects which link modern-day gas to the magic weapons of tales and legends are its invisibility and its supposed omnipotence. Frightening powers are attributed to it, and the terror that its use evokes arises from the impossibility of predicting it. Other substances, equally magical and mysterious, have sprung forth in full force from the…

How preoccupied is the American Congress with Israel and the Holocaust?

This list of search returns from the Congressional Record and Legislative Status data bases maintained by the United States government for the Congress do not answer that question, but they give a slight clue. Only two words were used in the searches, with results as follows: “Holocaust“: 152 items in the Congressional Record; 11 legislative…

Faith in “Holocaust” required

A passage in the New York Times Book Review of 19 October 1997 (p. 19) is too easily passed over. David Greenberg was reviewing the memoirs of John Toland, historian best known for a Hitler biography and the book Infamy, on the Pearl Harbor attack. Greenberg is a Richard Hofstadter Fellow in American History at…

Remembering the Martyrs of Romania

Good Morning from the Zundelsite! Every once in a while, I get reports from comrades in other countries, speaking with respect and admiration of the quiet but persistent work of a group of nationalist Romanians. I know that, on occasion, some of my ZGrams were translated and reprinted there, and one young man is sending…

Heirs: The Third Generation

LINCOLNWOOD, Ill., Sept. 2 /PRNewswire/ — Much has been written and researched about the Survivors of the Holocaust and the children of Survivors of the Holocaust. But what about the next generation — the grandchildren? Up until now, nothing has focused on grandchildren of Survivors of the Holocaust. Why? Some might say it is because…

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