
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

This Strange Hesitation about Deporting Illegal Immigrants

It seems to be widely understood that Donald Trump was elected President of the United States largely because of an expectation that he might halt or at least drastically slow demographic change caused by immigration. Certainly for Ann Coulter, who forecast the imminent demise of the United States through immigration in her book Adios America!,…

Books Banned by “Banned Books Week”

In September of 2017 we found ourselves in the midst of the American Library Association’s annual “Banned Books Week,” the eponymous celebration of books forbidden by censors and pressure groups in the United States. While the event purports to focus on volumes deemed too dangerous for impressionable minds, the daring entries showcased this year included…

Anti-Gentiles Deny the 5 Million!

Leading Jewish Holocaustians recently attacked President Donald Trump for issuing a statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day that did not specify that the victims were Jews. The result is that the public has been informed by Deborah Lipstadt that the Holocaust is by definition an exclusively Jewish matter, and by Yehuda Bauer that the old war propaganda…

Yad Vashem hosts a conference on “The Shoah and Jewish Identity”

Monday through Thursday this week Yad Vashem's International School for Holocaust Studies has been hosting a conference, attended by about 200 Jewish educators, titled: “The Shoah and Jewish Identity: Challenges in Jewish Education.” (J. Sharon, Jerusalem Post, 28 December 2016) The consensus is that the Holocaust is now an important part of the Jewish identity….

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