
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel

My father, who was from Brooklyn, once told me of an accident he saw between a city bus and a garbage truck. He noticed that there were only four or five people on the bus, which was only slightly damaged, but one of the passengers began writhing in pain, wailing that his neck hurt, and…

Smith Puts a Question to Mr. Abraham Foxman

Abraham Foxman,National DirectorAnti-Defamation League605 Third AvenueNew York, NY 10158-3560(212) 885-7700, www.adl.org 12 September 2013 Dear Mr. Foxman: With regard to the recent killings by chemical weapons in Syria, either by the Syrian State or others, you have been quoted as saying: “Our people have been exterminated by the use of gas. We cannot stand by…

An Imaginary Holocaust May Lead to a Real Holocaust

Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1929, educated at the Sorbonne, Professor Faurisson taught at the University of Lyon from 1974 until 1990. Specializing in close textual analysis, Faurisson won widespread acclaim for his studies of poems by Rimbaud and Lautréamont. After years of private research and study, Faurisson revealed his…

Learning from the September 11 Attacks

IHR director Mark Weber’s response to the events of September 11, circulated via the Internet, has elicited more response, nearly all of it favorable, than any other such writing in the history of the Institute for Historical Review. To date “Learning from the September 11 Attacks” has resulted in three hour-long guest appearances on U.S….

It’s Time the Arab Leaders Ended Their Silence on the ‘Holocaust’ Imposture

Robert Faurisson is Europe’s foremost Holocaust revisionist scholar. Born in 1929, educated at the Sorbonne, Professor Faurisson taught at the University of Lyon from 1974 until 1990. Specializing in close textual analysis, Faurisson won widespread acclaim for his studies of poems by Rimbaud and Lautréamont. After years of private research and study, Faurisson revealed his…

Between Public Relations and Self-Alienation: Arab Intellectuals and the ‘Holocaust’

Defective Strategies for Coping with External Threats: A Preview Children sometimes mimic the sounds and gestures of characters, whether fictitious or real, that they see as frightening and omnipotent, including parents, teachers, and older siblings. These become rich sources for emulation in play, alone or with other children. From the inception of consciousness, humans search…

Our Mission and the New War

After an imperial century abroad, America has suffered, on its home soil, an attack on its citizens unprecedented in its history. As so often in the past six decades, whether at Dresden or Hiroshima, Beirut or Baghdad, terror came from the sky. At this writing, the United States is once again waging an undeclared war…

At the Tolerance Museum

MacKenzie Paine battles intolerance disguised as tolerance from a dusty hilltop in Mexico. Teaching tolerance through “Holocaust education” in the public schools is now the law in cities, counties, and states across America. As revisionists are well aware, the standard account of the Jewish Holocaust taught in such courses is more than dubious. So too…

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