
By its victim count, Treblinka is by far the largest and probably most notorious of the four “Aktion Reinhardt” camps, which according to orthodox historiography served as “pure extermination camps” for the mass murder of Jews in gas chambers. The other camps are: Belzec, Chelmno/Kulmhof, and Sobibór.

Tree-felling at Treblinka

1. Introduction It is commonly alleged that a small (approximately 14 hectares large) camp in eastern Poland, usually denoted Treblinka II, served as a “pure extermination camp” for Jews between the end of July 1942 and August 1943. It is further alleged that at this camp somewhere between 700,000 and 900,000 Jews were killed with…

Second communiqué about our answer to MM. Harrison, Myers, Muehlenkamp, Romanov and Terry

by Carlo Mattogno, Thomas Kues and Jürgen Graf On 12 March 2012, we announced that our answer to the paper “Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard”, which was authored by the five above-mentioned gentlemen, would be ready by August or September, 2012. For cogent reasons, those interested in this debate will have to wait for a…

Treblinka: An Exceptional Guide

1. Introduction Dr. Robert Faurisson in Treblinka, June 1988. With regard to the wartime Treblinka camp, I have mentioned over the years – in a few conference addresses, in a video presentation, and in some correspondence – the testimony of Marian Olszuk. But because I have been absorbed in the ordeal of the revisionist struggle…

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?

Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp?, Theses & Dissertations Press, Chicago 2004, pb, 370 pp., $25.- Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf: “Treblinka. Extermination Camp or Transfer Camp?”, 370 pages, 6×9, paperback, bibliography, documents, photos, index, $25,- Click here for more info and/or to order it now! At the end of November or…

Abraham Bomba, Barber of Treblinka

I have seen the complete nine and one half hour documentary, Shoah, which purports to be “An Oral History of the Holocaust.” It was produced, directed, narrated and is now being promoted by Claude Lanzmann. From the newspapers I gather that Lanzmann is an assimilated French Jew who speaks neither Hebrew nor Yiddish. Born in…

Communiqué on our response to “Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard”

by Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf, and Thomas Kues In late December 2011, we received a long text entitled Holocaust Denial and Operation Reinhard. A Critique of the Falsehoods of Mattogno, Graf and Kues. The authors are  Jonathan Harrison, Roberto Muehlenkamp, Jason Myers, Sergey Romanov and Nicholas Terry. The object of their critique are the following…

UK Forensic Archeologist Sets Out To Refute Treblinka “Deniers”

By Thomas Kues At the website of the University of Birmingham we find the following presentation of a young forensic archeologist named Caroline Sturdy Colls [1]: “Caroline is part of a small specialist team in the UK who work in the area of forensic archaeology. Caroline has a strong stomach and she doesn't mind getting…

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