
By its victim count, Treblinka is by far the largest and probably most notorious of the four “Aktion Reinhardt” camps, which according to orthodox historiography served as “pure extermination camps” for the mass murder of Jews in gas chambers. The other camps are: Belzec, Chelmno/Kulmhof, and Sobibór.

Helicopters at Treblinka?

Dear AnswerMan, Both the 1971 and the 1996 edition of Michael Elkins' book *Forged in Fury* include a passage that describes the aftermath of the Aug. 2, 1943 uprising at the Treblinka concentration camp in Poland. Both editions describe the hunt for the Treblinka escapees—its Jewish inmates—in these terms: “For four days, the Germans prowled…

The Diesel Gas Chambers

1. Diesel Exhaust and Zyklon B Most National Socialist homicidal gassings were supposedly committed with Diesel exhaust rather than cyanide or Zyklon B. Although this is contrary to popular perceptions about the Holocaust story, Diesel exhaust has been dominant, at least in terms of numbers of victims, in the claims of holocaust scholars since the…

The Treblinka Holocaust

“Achieving our quest of a 'new world order' depends on our learning the Holocaust's lessons.”—Ian J. Kagedan[2] 1. The Demjanjuk Trial and Treblinka[1] 1.1. Background of the Demjanjuk Trial In the days of the Soviet Union, the American immigrants from Ukraine were split into two factions, one of which was favorably disposed towards Moscow. At…

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