
The German concentration camp system in general. In its sub-categories you can find contributions focusing on certain camps.

Uncle Remus Goes to Dachau

In Berlin the other day the Berlin chapter of B'nai B'rith bestowed the Raoul Wallenberg award on Paul Parks, 77, a Boston civil rights leader who has long been active in Massachusetts politics. The occasion of Parks' honor stems from his claim that he liberated the concentration camp at Dachau, and was, in fact the…

Transfers to the Reich

Richard A. Widmann was educated at Rutgers University and Seton Hall University, from which he holds a degree in quantitative analysis. He has published over forty revisionist articles in books, journals, and newsletters around the world. Since 1995 he been editor of the website of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. Orthodox historians…

No One Gassed at Dachau (1961)

Several of the letters of Austin J. App are to be presented as part of the CODOH Revisionist Library. These are important to the historiography of Holocaust revisionism as they are some of the earliest works to question the formative Holocaust story. These works are being presented for researchers as they are rare documents. They…

Mattogno Corrects the Record

Background In one of Ingrid Rimland's recent “Revisionist Week In Review” Z-grams she noted: There is interesting revisionist news from Russia. Revisionist historian Jurgen Graf was recently in Moscow and gave an interview with the Russian weekly Russky Vestnik. This interview was just published, and an English translation can be found at the URL:…

Critique of the A.R. Butz article “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematorium II”

In the September-October 1997 issue of The Journal of Historical Review appeared an article by Arthur Butz entitled: “Gas Detectors in Auschwitz Crematory II” (pp. 24-30) which deserves to be examined. Concerning “gasprüfer” at Auschwitz, Dr. Arthur Butz has devised an indisputably original hypothesis which he summarizes as follows : It is certain the Topf…

Poland, Vernichtungslager

One of the earliest, if not the first account of an “extermination camp” in a major American periodical is the short article, “Vernichtungslager” which appeared in Time on August 21, 1944. The title alone is of great interest as it is rendered in German giving the appearance that the Germans referred to Majdanek (and perhaps…

Soviet War Crimes Report on Auschwitz

Introduction “The Nuremberg Trials.” The mere mention of these words conjures up stark images of atrocities of the Second World War. These were the trials of the top surviving members of the Nazi leadership. At the conclusion of the trials, a set of volumes would be produced documenting the evidence presented. These volumes would become…

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