Deportation + Resettlement

Many wartime documents of the Third Reich state that the Jews within Nazi Germany’s sphere of influence were to be “deported” and “resettled in the east.” Mainstream historians claim that these terms were euphemisms for mass murder. Papers in this section adduce evidence to prove that those documents meant no more than what they said.

Beyond Auschwitz

According to the standard anti-revisionist history of the Holocaust, from May to July of 1944 approximately 430,000 Jews from wartime Hungary were deported to Auschwitz, and about ninety percent of them immediately selected out, gassed, and burned. Most of the remainder were held as “transport Jews” (Durchgangsjuden) until their transfer to other camps.[1] The support…

Belgium and its Jews During the War

A look at how German authorities treated Jews in Belgium during the years of wartime occupation is revealing because it is difficult to reconcile their policies with a German program systematically to exterminate Europe’s Jews. Belgium was quickly overrun by German military forces in May 1940, and after 18 days the country surrendered. Although the…

Three Revisionist Books from Germany

The Rudolf Report: Germany’s “Leuchter Report” A German chemist’s meticulous new technical-forensic examination of the alleged execution “gas chambers” of Auschwitz has been attracting a good bit of attention in Europe. Printed on glossy paper in a large, magazine-size format, this 110-page report contains numerous photographs (several in color), charts, diagrams, and more than 200…

Zionism and the Third Reich

Early in 1935, a passenger ship bound for Haifa in Palestine left the German port of Bremerhaven. Its stern bore the Hebrew letters for its name, “Tel Aviv,” while a swastika banner fluttered from the mast. And although the ship was Zionist-owned, its captain was a National Socialist Party member. Many years later a traveler…


In May 2009, the 89-year-old John Demjanjuk was deported from the United States to Germany, where he was arrested and charged with aiding and abetting murder in at least 27,900 cases. These murders were allegedly perpetrated at the Sobibór camp in eastern Poland. According to mainstream historiography 170,000 to 250,000 Jews were exterminated here in…

Keine Liquidierung

The 1977 publication of David Irving's fine military history Hitler's War provoked an uproar over what should have been a marginal point but which, with ironic collaboration between Irving and his critics, has become the central point of the book. Irving claimed that Hitler knew nothing of physical extermination of the Jews until late in…

A deceptive distortion of the German National Railway history

The Most Valuable Asset of the Reich. A History of the German National Railway. Volume 2: 19332-1945 by Alfred C. Mierzejewski. Chapel Hill, NC: The University of North Carolina Press, 2000. Hardcover. Index. 248 pages. US$45. This book and its earlier companion volume that covered the Reichsbahn from 1920-1932 has all the characteristics of being…

Transfers to the Reich

Richard A. Widmann was educated at Rutgers University and Seton Hall University, from which he holds a degree in quantitative analysis. He has published over forty revisionist articles in books, journals, and newsletters around the world. Since 1995 he been editor of the website of the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust. Orthodox historians…

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